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Campus ministers in the news

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COLUMBIA - The Rev. Malcolm Frazier, United Methodist chaplain at Howard University, was quoted in an online article, "Campus ministry offers church presence at college," by Linda Bloom at UMNS.

Speaking about young men or the lack of in the churches, he told of a campus men's Saturday morning fellowship with worship, prayer, testimonies and discussion of spiritual matters. ?This excites me because when you look at the lack of men in the church and the lack of young men involved in campus ministry, I am bursting with pride ... to serve as advisor to them.?

The Rev. Larry Neumark, Protestant chaplain at Frostburg State University, was named "Outstanding Student Organization Advisor of the Year" for 2007. The award is based on overall contributions of support and betterment for the entire campus. He has spearheaded many projects and causes on campus, including efforts on war and peace, poverty and hunger, the Darfur crisis, environmental issues and global warming.


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