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Called to walk in God's light

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Ann London explores our call to build up God's Kingdom here on earth.


For the past year, I have been studying the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles with two groups of women. What a transformative experience this past year has been for all of us.

It was truly an eye-opening experience for me as I came to realize the depth of Paul’s love for God and his people. In ministering to God’s people, Paul experienced a great deal of suffering. His constant message was telling them that he gave thanks to Almighty God for them all the time. Not only that, Paul prayed constantly on their behalf.

Paul actually was walking in the light for unbelievers and converts throughout his missionary journeys. He was their encourager. He admonished them to hold fast to their faith in Jesus Christ. Even in the midst of his own suffering, he constantly reminded them that they had been called by God for a purpose and that they should pursue their destiny with faith and diligence.

Just as Paul walked in the light before a dark and rebellious society, as a believer in this day, I have the same responsibility to be God’s light for those in need of a Savior.

Paul encourages us to walk in the newness of life in Jesus. While Paul was constantly beaten or run out of town, he never let his pain and sufferings keep him from serving God and God’s people. He was determined to spread the Gospel, at all costs, to neighboring cities and to teach unbelievers about Christ. He was single-focused in being a witness for God.

As a believer of Jesus Christ in this 21st century, we should be just as committed to spreading the Gospel without giving thought to the pain and suffering we might encounter. I believe Paul wore his suffering as a badge of honor for our Lord and Savior. The question we might ask is, "Is our light shining before others as a witness for Christ?"

I certainly am working toward that goal to be single-focused in my love for Christ by responding to his call on my life. In order to be in line with my calling, I must serve God by walking in the light and serve God’s people with Christ-like love and gentleness. Because of my love for the One who gave love freely to all, I must be committed to giving my life for the building up of God’s kingdom here on earth. When serving others can be difficult at times, I must not give in nor give up.

Scripture reminds us not to become weary in well-doing, but to run this race with perseverance. In legal parlance, I believe we all have a fiduciary responsibility to Christ to endure suffering as a good solider – without murmuring and complaining.

A study of the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles reminds me that we must be gentle and tender with God’s people just as Christ has been that way towards us. Like Jesus, Paul chose to see people’s God-given potential in building up the Kingdom of God here on earth. God does not need us, but God wants us to care for his people, just the same. Let us remember that we are to walk in the light so that others will see it and be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit for God’s Kingdom and for God’s glory.

Ann London is a Certified Lay Minister at The Emory Fellowship in Washington, D.C. She is team leader for the Stephen Ministry and congregational care coordinator.


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