Online Archives

BWC pastors lead young adult ministries

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COLUMBIA - The March/April 2006 Circuit Rider, a publication for United Methodist clergy, includes articles by three Baltimore-Washington Conference clergy: the Revs. Cynthia Belt, Kevin Smalls and Lillian Smith.

The issue is dedicated to 'Emerging Leaders,' and the three articles speak to ministry with and for youth and young adults, people in the 12-30 age range.

Belt, pastor of New Beginnings in Severn, has a congregation that is 90 percent young people; she wrote of ways to engage young African Americans not only in the life of the church but in its leadership.

Smalls, the conference?s director of young adult ministries, told young people ways to be more engaged in worship, and pastors and congregations on ways to accept young people in the church.

Smith is associate general secretary of the Division on Ministries with Young People at the General Board of Discipleship. She offered ways the board can resource young adult ministries in the local church.


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