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BMCR celebrates Black History Month

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article reprinted from the UMConnection:  News Stories
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March 5, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 5



member of the Annoited Dancers Troup from Baltimore

BMCR celebrates Black History Month

 The Baltimore-Washington Conference Black Methodists for Church Renewal celebrated Black History Month, Feb. 23, in a music-filled worship service that honored its heritage and looked ahead to the future.

The annual event, held at Epworth UMC in Baltimore, raised funds for scholarships and paid tribute to the conferences four African American district superintendents as well as other figures in black history. Bishop Felton Edwin May, keynote speaker, called upon the caucus and its constituents to honor the courage of their ancestors by acting boldly in the name of Jesus Christ to cure the social and spiritual paralysis that grips society.

Bishop May lamented the brutality of historic slavery and racial bigotry, criticized the prevalence of economic classism and urged his listeners to speak out against urgent concerns, including Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlichs plan to approve slot machines at horse racing tracks.

The conference BMCR caucus announced plans to hold its annual luncheon June 13, its annual convocation Oct. 11 and its next Youth Harambee event Dec. 12-14.

Photos, clockwise from top right: Scholarship recipient Lakeisha Goram, Bishop May, Epworth UMC Chapel Choir and a member of the Anointed Dancers Troupe from Baltimore. Photos by John Coleman Jr./UMConnection.

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