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Bishop writes MLK about unseen emancipation revolution

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary
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January 15, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 2




Bishop writes MLK about unseen emancipation revolution

Dear Martin,

My annual letter is written interestingly enough on the 140th anniversary of the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation. It was that historic document that freed millions of black Americans from the bondage of slavery in 1863.

Such an acknowledgment, a mere 140 years ago, is both tragic and remarkable. Tragic because it is a chilling indictment of a nation often characterized as the greatest democracy in the world, that only so short a time ago held a people in human bondage. Thus for many, the stigma of slavery and its debilitating impact is not ancient history, but a mere yesterday.

It is remarkable because the descendants of those slaves have achieved a place in American life unimagined only decades ago. This place has been achieved despite four hundred years of slavery, and more than a hundred years of legally sanctioned discrimination and segregation, and the continued practice of racism both personal and institutional.

Sadly, the residue of slavery is never quite far away. In your beloved Georgia, Martin, a sad reminder: In recent state elections, the governor was defeated, reportedly because of his leadership in successfully having a new state flag approved.

Understandably, many Georgia citizens, black and white, found the old state flag objectionable because the Confederate battle emblem an emblem that is a reminder of slavery dominated its design.

Surprisingly, in the elections just held, two black Americans were elected lieutenant governor in Maryland and Ohio, both Republicans. And there are now 39 black members of Congress.

It has almost been a revolution unnoticed. Today, I continue to be amazed to find black Americans appearing in unexpected leadership roles, be it heading major Fortune 500 companies, educational and religious institutions, or in the discourse of ordinary everyday life. When one opens a door in business, government, religion, science and technology, medicine or other areas of life, the person to greet you or in charge is as likely as not to be a descendant of those who only 140 years ago were considered property.

Many were stunned, for example, only recently to learn that the president of the conference of American Bishops of the influential Roman Catholic Church in America is a black bishop.

Martin, race goes almost unmentioned and unnoticed as two black Americans the secretary of state and the national security adviser to the president hold significant and important posts in government.

In cities and communities across America, racial barriers are quietly being torn down as people are given the opportunity, in your words, to be judged by the content of their character (and skills) and not the color of their skin.

The growing middle and upper class among the black population is almost unnoticed, as government and media appropriately focus on a black underclass gripped in a cycle of poverty. But all of black America is not dysfunctional, crime infested and given to a crippling attitude of victimization.

Today Martin, I believe every victory, every gain and accomplishment of black Americans must be celebrated with due recognition. To do so is an expression of gratitude for your leadership and sacrifice, todays leaders and those of other generations as well.

It is also a reminder to our young too many, I believe, who have sadly accommodated themselves to the notion they cannot rise above their circumstances of poverty or deprivation, or that they are forever locked out of mainstream American life by the system.

Racism and the impact of 400 years of slavery die hard to be sure. There are those even today who would sustain one and revive the other if they could. But as slavery failed, so will racism, as people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds work toward its elimination in every facet of American life.

Martin, on this the anniversary of your birth, I can think of no better time to recommit oneself to work harder, pray longer, sacrifice greater, until America is in fact, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Happy birthday, Martin.
We shall overcome,

Each year, Bishop Woodie W. White, Indiana Area, writes a letter to his friend and colleague, the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.. White, 67, was the first staff executive for the denominations Commission on Religion and Race, where he served from 1969 to 1984.

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