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Bishop grieves Katrina's destruction, urges continued response

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A letter to Baltimore-Washington Conference churches from Bishop John R. Schol

When one part of the body suffers, we all suffer with it.
-1 Corinthians 12:26

Septemer 7, 2005

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As you have witnessed already, the news is not good and there is need for a sustained long-term effort to rebuild and repair the breach that God's people have suffered after Hurricane Katrina.

I have also been overwhelmed by the outpouring of compassion and gifts for those devastated by the hurricane, gifts that are already being received from United Methodists in West Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Maryland. I am blessed to serve with you in the Baltimore-Washington Conference.

I would also like to update you on things you may not be aware of.

1. Initial reports indicate that we may have lost 22 United Methodist church buildings and that their congregations have been dispersed. This also means that pastors and other church workers are not receiving salaries. More than three quarters of a million dollars in apportionment income will probably be lost by the conferences affected by Hurricane Katrina.

2. Gulfside Assembly, located on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, which was built by African Americans to serve the Central Jurisdiction (the African-American jurisdiction created decades ago and now abolished within our denomination to maintain segregation) as a place of renewal and sacred space has been completely destroyed.

We grieve the loss of Gulfside and the church buildings. I would like the Baltimore-Washington Conference to be a leader in generosity in the coming days, weeks and months. There is no doubt in my mind that we have the capacity to practice extraordinary discipleship through our gifts and service that will go the second mile to help those that are suffering, pay pastor's salaries, rebuild Gulfside and rebuild churches. I invite you to make sure congregations are aware of the opportunities to serve and to share in their discipleship:

1. Continue to receive offerings for the Bishop's Appeal for Hurricane Katrina. Contributions through your church should be sent to the conference office, 7178 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, Md 21046 and marked, Bishop's Appeal for Hurricane Katrina. This special appeal will be used through our United Methodist channels such as UMCOR with our mission partners in Mississippi and Louisiana to provide relief to people, pastors and congregations.

2. I am sending every lead pastor a DVD with a special message from me for your congregation. I would like every church to show it this Sunday in worship or if you do not have the capacity, to show it before and after worship in an appropriate place. (Please borrow a DVD player from a parishioner or friend if your church does not have one.)

3. Explore how your congregation can help with medical kits, school bags, and flood buckets. This information can be found on the Web at

4. A first-response team from our conference is already on the way to Mississippi to help with the initial relief efforts. Additional teams will also go in the future. Please follow the Web site for updates on training and when teams will be going.

5. Assist with relocation efforts. To assist with housing, jobs and other support call (202) 727-1000 or follow our Web site.

6. Worship resources are available at We will also have PowerPoint prayers and resources available on our Web site in the near future.

7. I have asked Rev. Wayne DeHart to be the point person for all of the various issues related to this disaster - fundraising, communication, information and relief efforts. Wayne can be reached at

8. Regularly check the Web site. Over the next several days, you will find new and additional resources that you may use this Sunday and in the coming weeks.

I am grateful for you and your continued efforts to serve. Together we will continue to make a difference for the ministry of Christ in our region.


Your brother and bishop, John


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