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Bishop calls for offering to feed Zimbabwe

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article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection
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APRIL 17, 2002


VOL. 13, NO. 8

Bishop calls for offering to feed Zimbabwe

April 2, 2002

Dear Colleague:

A serious drought and the political situation have resulted in a severe food shortage in Zimbabwe.

I am currently in Zimbabwe attending Africa Universitys Spring Board meeting and discussing the situation in Zimbabwe with Bishop Christopher Jokomo, whose health continues to improve. I am writing to ask you to make a special effort to support UMCORs special appeal for food for Zimbabwe.

I know you would respond to this appeal under any circumstance but, because of our annual conferences partnership with the Zimbabwe Annual Conference, I am asking that you emphasize this special offering. You may want to receive second offerings to send food to Zimbabwe each Sunday for the next month so that everyone has ample opportunity to give.

In cooperation with UMCOR, food is being distributed in Zimbabwe by Christian Care, the relief arm of the Zimbabwe Council of Churches. It is being distributed to everyone who needs food through our local United Methodist churches. A special effort is being made to assure that every family with children under five years old has a continuous supply of food.

Because it is being distributed through United Methodist churches whenever possible, people will know the food comes from caring United Methodists in the United States.

Checks should be made payable to Conference Treasurer and mailed to the Rev. Jim Knowles-Tuell, 9720 Patuxent Woods Drive, Suite 100, Columbia, MD 21046. Add the following information in the check memo: Advance #101250-4 Zimbabwe.

Our sisters and brothers in Zimbabwe are hungry. I know we will make sure they do not starve. Thank you for your commitment and caring.

Grace and Peace,

+Felton Edwin May

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