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Because of grace, we serve.

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Vicki Cubbage reflects on the role of faith in the journey of life.


In my early thirties, I was alone and caring for two children. My family and my church family were very supportive. It was just another mountain that I found myself climbing. At first, I thought that I was climbing it alone, but one Sunday, my dear, sweet Sunday school teacher handed me a piece of paper with a Bible verse on it: “Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29)

What a difference that verse has made in my life. Little did I know at the time, but it actually changed my whole life. I guess you could say that it rocked my world.

I started to increase my activities at church and I started to really enjoy Sunday school and church. It seemed as if the Bible had become a road map for my life.

I thought that was funny, because when I was confirmed in 1962, my teacher handed me my own Bible and she said to me, “This is the roadmap for your journey through life. Follow it, and you will not only find peace but happiness.”

I didn’t understand what she meant until I felt the call to become a lay speaker.

I am not saying that life has been easier than it was, the difference has been my faith.

After 20 years as a lay speaker and five as a pastor, I find it very important to make sure that not only from the pulpit, but from my interactions with others in the community, people know how important a personal relationship with Jesus is, and how it can and will change your life and you forever.

Trials and tribulations are a part of life. Faith in the love of God and God’s power to help you overcome is something we all need to learn.

Jesus taught his disciples so that they would be able to continue his work here on earth and glorify God’s name by doing so. God calls others to the same task.

Some are given the gift of teaching, preaching, singing and praying. God sends us forth. We gather together as Christians to learn and practice our faith and to pass it to others. Most of all we glorify God in whatever we do in God’s name.

We need to help each other in our faith journeys.

Like an old wood stove, once the ashes of our faith are stirred, we are ignited with purpose and able to share the warmth of God’s love with all.

Watching and helping someone come closer to Christ is about as close to peace and happiness as anyone can get, especially if that person is you.

Vicki Cubbage is a Certified Lay Minister who serves Park Place UMC in Cumberland. She can be reached via email.


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