Online Archives

Be There, Be Hope

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The fourth Sunday of Lent, March 18, is the traditional day to observe One Great Hour of Sharing, one of six Special Sundays with an offering, supported by United Methodists worldwide. The theme this year is 'Be There, Be Hope.'

This offering has special significance for United Methodists because it is a major source of funds for the United Methodist Committee on Relief, or UMCOR.

UMCOR brings relief when catastrophe strikes in more than 80 countries; and wherever it goes, it stays, being the face of hope to survivors struggling to rebuild their lives.

UMCOR?s administrative costs are covered by contributions to One Great Hour of Sharing, thus enabling UMCOR to keep its promise that 100 percent of every gift goes directly to people in need.

'We?re right there bringing hope and relief to people affected by disasters such as tsunamis and hurricanes, people who face diseases such as HIV/AIDS and malaria, and people who are fighting hunger,' said Sandy Ferguson, the conference?s social justice ministries coordinator.

Resources are available, including leaflets combined with an offering envelope, posters, 'Be There' banks, a scrapbook to interpret the ministries of UMCOR, and worship materials. All pastors should have received order forms in September. See, or fax an order to (615) 742-5499. For information, call (888) 346-3862.


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