Online Archives

April 25 is Malaria Awareness Day

Posted by Bwcarchives on

Malaria kills one child in Africa every 30 seconds.


What if you could save a child?s life just by skipping lunch for one day?

On April 25, United Methodists are encouraged to skip lunch and donate the money saved to the Nothing But Nets campaign to purchase mosquito bed nets for children in Africa.


A $10 contribution will pay for an insecticide-treated bed net, as well as getting it to a family in Africa and teaching them how to use it properly. A challenge grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is matching contributions dollar for dollar, so your gift will have twice the impact.


To learn more about how you and your church can get involved in the fight against malaria on Malaria Awareness Day, visit the Web site at There you will find downloadable resources, including a bulletin cover, door hanger, web banner, worship graphic, poster, e-mail postcard, sample news release and other materials.


Nothing But Nets will also be featured during a two-night American Idol special April 24 and 25. ?Idol Gives Back? seeks to increase awareness and raise funds for organizations that provide assistance to children living in poverty in the United States and Africa. American Idol sponsors will make a donation for each vote viewers cast on April 24.


You can make your Malaria Awareness Day donation at or




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