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Apportionments enable vast array of ministries

Posted by Bwcarchives on
At the Connectional Table meeting March 1, participants learned about the vast array of ministries that apportionments enable. According to conference treasurer, Martha Knight, this year, by paying 100 percent of apportionments, members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference will...

Conference members prepare to teach at a pastors' school in Zimbabwe At the Connectional Table meeting March 1, participants learned about the vast array of ministries that apportionments enable. According to conference treasurer, Martha Knight, this year, by paying 100 percent of apportionments, members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference will:

  • Provide 5,400 coaching hours with clergy.
  • Allow more than 500 clergy to participate in 30 hours of training, for a total of 15,000 clergy training hours.
  • Equip 6,500 laity for ministry with an average of five hours of training per lay person, or 32,500 laity training hours.
  • Enable more than 4,000 hours of direct contact and resourcing in local churches.
  • Start two new faith communities.
  • Grow young adult ministry through our congregations in four areas:
    • Mission: facilitate young adult VIM trips,
    • Spiritual leaders: increase young adult Bible study and connectional ministries through our congregations;
    • Congregations: focus on two young adult congregations in each region and develop more young adult-friendly worship led by young adults;
    • Disciples: equip more young adults for leadership in the local church and community.
  • Grant more than $1.4 million to local churches and ministries to grow congregations and expand ministry in the community.
  • Provide 85 scholarships for college students and 30 scholarships for seminary students.
  • Train more than 10 sites in communities of Shalom training.
  • Launch two new resources to grow disciples and spiritual leaders: the Immersion Series; Discipleship Academy
  • Launch, train for and expand a state of the art Web-based information system.
  • Transition into a new conference center that within 10 years will save the conference $500,000 a year and grow an asset for the conference.
  • Advocate to stop legalized slot machine gambling.
  • Assist more than 500 immigrants in finding work, with legal issues and humanitarian needs.
  • Develop four ministry centers in Baltimore and develop strong suburban/urban partnerships.
  • Implement a rural ministry plan to develop rural congregations and engage them in community ministry.
  • Provide a retreat/discipling experience for 5,800 youth and youth leaders.
  • Provide a pastors' school in Zimbabwe.
  • Begin a partnership with a conference/district in Eastern Europe.
  • Provide medical benefits to 387 retirees.

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