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An interview with the Rev. Chris Holmes

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An interview with the Rev. Chris Holmes:

Discipler Groups resume with emphasis on equipping

This month, the Discipler groups of the Baltimore-Washington Conference start back up again after a summer break. The monthly resourcing groups, designed around the coaching concept, provide resources to help pastors grow Acts 2 churches.

Last spring, a comprehensive survey was done assessing the groups' effectiveness. The Rev. Chris Holmes, of the Annapolis-Southern region who oversees the development of the Discipler Group material, recently reflected on the groups, participants insights and the future of this unique ministry.

Q Who is responsible for the creation of the material used during the Discipler Group sessions?

AA team of people is responsible for what is produced, but ultimately it comes down to me because I am the team leader. The production of the material also involves a videographer, writer, graphic artist, project coordinator and me. For me, involvement with that team has been a wonderful creative outlet and one of the most life-giving aspects of my job.

Q A concern has been raised in the evaluation of the whole Discipler Group process that not enough input is being sought from pastors in the creation of the material. How do you respond to that concern?

A My feeling is that that concern is actually more of a 'perception' than a reality. The genesis of every Discipler Group session has been a meeting with a varied group of Acts 2 pastors giving input and advice on the development of the material. Honestly, that input from 'the grassroots' has been an absolutely critical step in the formation of every session.

Q Do you feel like the material has been well received?

A We have gotten particularly positive feedback on the Honor/Disrupt/Align series, the Kirby John Caldwell DVD piece on stretching toward a vision in the first session, and numerous requests for the Puddle Fish story. I have also heard that the material presented in the series on 'Dealing With Conflict Well' was gratefully received by many pastors.

We got negative feedback from some people on the 'Faces of Christ' DVD, who felt the faces portrayed were not inclusive enough of all ethnicities.

So, we re-edited that portion of the DVD in the remake of the material to be used in the local churches so as not to offend viewers.

Q I am sure that you are aware that one of the things rated lowest in a recent evaluation of the Discipler Group process by those experiencing it was the material produced for each session. That is material for which you are ultimately responsible.

A Yes, I am painfully aware of that evaluation. The defensive part of me says, 'Yeah, well the material is of course the easiest target for criticism for people who don't want to be there in the first place. Like in any classroom, half the people are saying, ?this is below me,' and the other half is saying, ?slow down I'm not getting this.'' 

The more adult part of me says, 'I do agree that we can do better.' All in all, I believe that the Discipler Group material is serving its purpose.

Q So what is next? What can we expect to see this fall and winter in terms of the focus of the Discipler Groups?

A We are trying to resource pastors on those things for which they are accountable. The first three sessions this fall are on worship, the 'celebration' part of the Discipleship Adventure. The series will focus on 'passionate worship,' 'how to start a new service,' and 'reaching new believers.' 

In the winter we will shift the focus to 'Faith Sharing,' another aspect of the Discipleship Adventure. We want to assist churches in the effort to reach beyond themselves into their surrounding communities to bring Good News to those in need. 

Not accidentally, these are the two areas that pastor's most requested in the recent evaluation. 

Q In closing, are there any final hopes you have for the Discipler Group process that you want to share?

A Yes, I hope that the pastors who opt out will continue to support and show enthusiasm for the Discipleship Adventure.

I hope that the skill level of the gbwc_superuseres/coaches will continue to increase and that it becomes more consistent.  I hope that the trust level of pastors continues to grow ? we really do have a lot to learn from one another.

I hope that we can celebrate all that we are as the church of Jesus Christ, and stop beating ourselves up for what we are not. I hope the 'courage factor' for trying new things in each pastor and congregation gets dialed up three notches with the support of their Discipler Group and their gbwc_superusere. And of course, world peace would also be nice.

The Rev. Chris Holmes is an Adventure Gbwc_superusere in the Annapolis-Southern Region.  He can be reached at


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