Adversarial bishops can accomplish little
If the tone of the editorial in the Nov. 19 UMConnection represents the attitudes of our bishops, then I can easily see why President George Bush would not care to meet with them.
The editor was questioning why the president did not agree to meet with UM bishops when they were in town recently. The tone of the editorial was plainly adversarial, sarcastic, cynical and self-righteous the sound of liberal Pharasaism, 21st century variety.
Incidentally, a full-page ad in Christian Century magazine several months ago, signed by seven of our bishops calling on our president to repent because of the war in Iraq, was laughable. It was also wrong.
Wasnt the purpose of the ad to put down our president while at the same time trying to make themselves look spiritual? I guess the best part of it is, who listens to our bishops anyhow?
The editor also asked us to pray that the president has a change of heart and agrees to sit down and talk with his bishops. I wish they were his bishops. In a pastoral relationship you can have maximum impact. As adversaries, you do not have any.
Instead of sounding adversarial, sarcastic, cynical and self-righteous, why not dialogue with each other in the spirit of Jesus?
Rev. George W. Anderson Retired
Editors Note: The Council of Bishops sent more than six letters to President Bush asking for a time of prayer and offering to help in pursuit of peace and reconciliation.
Bishops prayed and God sent Bush
The editorial in the Nov. 19 UMConnection missed the real point. President Bush will not meet with the bishops because they havent done anything except complain and lose church members.
Bush, in three years, initiated a war on terrorists, freed Afghanistan, defeated Saddam Hussein the tyrant/terrorist, reduced taxes to improve the economy, inspired Americans, replaced the failed peace effort in the Middle-East and is keeping us free to express our opinions.
The bishops have prayed for world peace and they got President Clinton.
The bishops kept praying and God sent Bush. Bush is doing things that God and Americans can appreciate. He has taken up the sword of good for our nation, whereas the bishops are even afraid to tell Mugabe (the President of Zimbawe) to set his people free and to stop stealing land from white farmers. Mugabe is a racist and the bishops love him.
I think this is just one of the many examples of why Bush will not meet with the bishops.
Alex Lavish St. Paul UMC, Lusby
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