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Adventure enacted in variety of ministries

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By Melissa Lauber
UMConnection Staff

Several ministries throughout the conference are embarking on the Discipleship Adventure with encouraging results.

At the College Park campus of the University of Maryland, the Rev. Kim Capps reports that pink flamingos adorned with the components of the Discipleship Adventure remind the students that faithful celebration, connection, development, service and faith sharing are important, in equal measures, in their lives.

When they gather, the students often 'pray beyond the lines,' Capps said. They use their imaginations in journaling, music, clay, paper, paints and a myriad of other art supplies reflecting upon a shared passage of Scripture or meditation.

At the end of the hands-on prayer the students share their creation and their faith stories with one another. These are very meaningful times, Capps said. 'There is seldom a time without tears.'

At Brook Hill UMC in Frederick, many of the church?s children are celebrating God in a new way with a first communion service. The students, many of whose families are new to United Methodism, have been learning about the church and the sacraments since Christian Education Sunday in September, said the Rev. Conrad Link.

As the children learned, so did the parents. In this way, disciples are created.

More than 1,600 children at the conference?s summer camps will also be learning the language and substance of the Discipleship Adventure. The theme of the curriculum and programs at West River, Manidokan and Harmison camps will center around the Discipleship Adventure.

Andy Thornton, director of camping and retreat ministries, is excited about the 'multiplying effects' this theme will have as children return to their churches, knowing about and sharing the Discipleship Adventure with their parents and teachers.

In the Washington East District, this feeling of multiplication is expanding as the School of Christian Mission centers around evangelism and is finding increased ministry possibilities for certified lay speakers.


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