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Absurd claims distort biblical truth

Posted by Bwcarchives on

Our bishops? statements about the Stroud and Johnson decisions sadly indicate extreme episcopal spiritual blindness. The Bible consistently and vehemently denounces the practice and the passions of homosexuality, yet the bishops find this totally unpersuasive. It is disingenuous to say the real issue in the Johnson case was pastoral authority and that in the Stroud case the problem is conflicting Disciplinary provisions.

The devil quoted Scripture to deceive Jesus, but let not our bishops follow his example. The claim that the command to love one?s neighbor means we must welcome into membership those who actively engage in and aggressively promote what God has declared an abomination is a diabolic absurdity.

Given that our bishops both influence and reflect profoundly the spiritual climate of the church, I cannot see how any Spirit-born, Spirit-led believer can thrive in the current United Methodist climate.

Arthur R. Kent, retired Elder


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