Online Archives

About the United Methodist Committee on Relief

Posted by Bwcarchives on

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is the not-for-profit humanitarian agency of The United Methodist Church. Since 1940 UMCOR's mission-- providing relief in disaster areas, aiding refugees and confronting the challenge of world hunger and poverty-- has helped to heal the hurts of humanity in nearly 100 countries.

UMCOR maintains a corps of trained disaster response specialists for quick reinforcement of national efforts and keeps a supply of relief materials in warehouses for dispatch when and where required. It also trains disaster response specialists in their own countries as part of a global ministry by a global church and works in partnership with other international agencies.

You can always give with confidence to the United Methodist Committee on Relief. UMCOR follows the professional accounting and auditing regulations of The United Methodist Church. It is exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States and qualifies for the maximum charitable contribution deduction by donors.

When you give to the United Methodist Committee on Relief you can be sure that your money will go where you want it to go. One hundred percent of your tax-deductible gifts go to the emergency or project that you designate. UMCOR's administrative costs come from other sources, especially the United Methodist One Great Hour of Sharing offering.

One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is observed by United Methodists on the fourth Sunday in Lent. Contributions to OGHS can be given at any time of the year, not only during Lent. OGHS supports ongoing work of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. UMCOR provides disaster relief refugee ministries, and addresses causes of world hunger and poverty. UMCOR does not receive support from the United Methodist World Service fund and therefore depends on this offering for its operating expenses. Free OGHS promotional resources are available.


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