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A letter of support in the shadow of gang violence

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Recently, the Rev. Rod Miller, Baltimore-Washington Conference Council of Ministries director, issued a letter of support to a United Methodist church that is living amid the fear of recent gang violence in Montgomery County. Miller and other conference leaders are in prayer and are fasting in support of this congregation's ministry. 

You are on my heart and in my prayers this morning as I turn to the Lord on your behalf.  First, I give thanks to God for you: for your faithfulness, your commitment and your spiritual courage.  God's light shines in you and through you and is known throughout your community and the Baltimore-Washington Conference.  May you know the peace that can only come from God and is given to you in abundance today.  God's grace be with you now.

Your call has led to this time where there is struggle, grief and fear as well as great promise. We are always held in God's hands and nothing can separate us from His love. 

Yet, there are forces that work to divide, deplete, and bring discouragement.  You have known these forces before in your journeys, and are aware of the power they have, and the power they do not have.  You have seen what God has done and know what God is able to do, through we who come to Him with humbleness and faith. 

For, indeed, God is working through you even now, though you may not realize it.  You are in the midst of a great conflict - which is right where you need to be.  For this is part of your purpose - to be a community where lives are transformed and in so doing, the community is also transformed. 

Positive change begins one person at a time, heart by heart, mind by mind, soul by soul.  As the Good Shepherd gave his attention and went out to recover each lost sheep, so God's heart is for each person, wherever they are, no matter how separated they may be. 

This is the good news - for while we were yet sinners, God comes to us and redeems us. We serve a personal God who knows every hair on our heads and gives life to those who would otherwise be lost or dead.

In a small way, I am aware of the great challenge you face.  I want you to know that you do not stand alone.  Your church, the Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church, stands with you.  You represent all of us, and in that way, the steps you take toward Jesus Christ in this struggle are steps that we are taking with you.  We are one in Jesus.  We are one under the cross. We are one church.

So, do not lose heart.  Faith is always about risk and not knowing, yet going with the assurance that the Holy Spirit will lead where you need to go. We pray for God's protection for you, through all the dangers and snares. 

We especially pray for the children of your community, the families who have lost their children, and those who now live in fear.  God bless them, bring comfort to them, give them the resources to be able to move forward and not lose hope.  We also pray for the young people who have fallen into the lure of violence, hatred and division.  May God's light shine brightest where the darkness is greatest.

You are in my prayers and in the prayers of our Church.  We commit our support to you and pray God's blessings upon you.

In Christ's name,

Roderick Miller
Council Director
Baltimore-Washington Conference
The United Methodist Church


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