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A letter from the bishop - September 2011

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Bishop Schol writes this month on the importance of training for leadership.

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Learning, understanding and practice is key to achieving excellence. Physicians, lawyers, teachers, dentists, therapists, office workers all go through a program to teach them skills for their role and they continually attend training to increase their knowledge and understanding to better perform their role.

Great athletes train their muscles and practice their plays before their season begins. As a runner, I train before I run a marathon or race. It helps condition my muscles and prepares my body for the intense conditions I will face. As a bishop, I attend at least three events a year where I engage with other bishops and other senior leaders in secular positions to grow in knowledge and ability to lead. I also read numerous books each year along with articles and blogs. If I don't do all of this, I'd get tired part of the way through the marathon, whether it is a running or ministry marathon.

Did you know the process for becoming a rabbi, which Jesus was, takes many years? And the formation of disciples in biblical times, which we are also called to make, was a several year process.

If we didn't have training to help us better ourselves, we'd be stagnant in what we do. Training helps us to develop our skills and gifts and it is essential for doing our very best – it distinguishes the mediocre from the effective leaders. It stretches our minds and bodies, and it forces us to look to God for the endurance to see it through.

Proverbs 16:3 tells us, "Put God in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place."

During our annual conference session, one of the commitments the leadership team presented to you was to develop a comprehensive leadership development training program and have a plan in place by the end of 2012 that builds on the Discipleship Academy, leadership days, certified lay ministry training, discipler groups and coaching. We want to have the best leadership training program in the world, so we can be the best for the world and I'm excited to continue to work with you toward making that come to fruition.

We are already blessed with a very comprehensive Discipleship Academy that offers a host of resources and courses surrounding key areas that support our mission. But we are ready to take our training a step further. We are prayerfully putting God in charge of these training mechanisms to help take them to the next level. Our prayer is that we will be able to increase the amount of training we provide to our leaders so they are prepared and ready at every stage of the ministry marathon – we can't have our leaders getting tired part of the way through. God calls us to train so we can push through with shining endurance and success.

You'll notice this month, the topic of our Adventure section focuses on the importance of leadership. I ask that you read the section with an open heart and consider how you might distinguish yourself as a leader. I also invite you to share your hopes for BWC future training with the Rev. David Cooney who has responsibility for BWC's growing spiritual leaders. You may contact him at .

Keep the faith!

John R. Schol


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