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A letter from the bishop - November 2011 Council of Bishops meeting

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Bishop Schol recaps decisions and events from the fall Council of Bishops meeting.

Bishop ScholDear Sisters and Brothers,

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I have recently returned from our Council of Bishops meeting where 120 active and retired bishops gathered from around the world. It is a joy and inspiration for me to gather with the bishops and hear the exciting ministry that is occurring through The United Methodist Church. We heard about how we are working together on Global Health including ending malaria and the Global Aids Fund. BWC has been instrumental in both of these efforts contributing already more than $750,000 toward ending deaths from malaria and giving an additional $200,000 toward the Global Aids Fund. BWC volunteers have also distributed more than 15,000 nets in Zimbabwe. We heard about the numerous churches that have been started including two right here in BWC. We also heard a report on vital congregations, and BWC was in the top ten US conferences with the highest percentage of vital congregations.

I also want to thank the 15,000 disciples who participated in serving through the Change the World weekend. We had an outstanding effort throughout the communities of BWC as people served others by being like Christ. A blessing to see so many respond.

There are three statements from the Council of Bishops that I encourage you to review.

  1. We See a New Church – a commitment by the bishops to lead toward a new church. It may be found here.
  2. A letter from the Council of Bishops about holy unions found here.
  3. A listing of some of the other actions by the Council of Bishops found here.

I give thanks to God for all that is occurring around the world through The United Methodist Church and all God is doing through United Methodists here in BWC. There are great days ahead for us as a church and through your prayers and dedicated service in your congregation and community we will continue to grow more vital Acts 2 Congregations and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Thank you for all you do.

Keep the faith!

John R. Schol, Bishop
The United Methodist Church
The Washington Area
Baltimore-Washington Conference

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Bishop Schol recaps decisions and events from the fall Council of Bishops meeting.

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