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A letter from the bishop: July 2012

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Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ,

The 2020 Vision adopted by the Baltimore-Washington Conference is one of the boldest visions within United Methodism and I commend the conference leaders who put it forth and the annual conference who overwhelmingly adopted it. The vision affirms our present direction and commits to bold strategies to grow vital Acts 2 congregations, end deaths by malaria, end homelessness through supportive housing, and make more disciples of Jesus Christ who are actively transforming the world. We will "seek to become like Christ as we call, equip, send and support spiritual leaders to make and cultivate disciples, grow vital Acts 2 congregations and transform the world."

The vision also outlines 12 specific and far-reaching goals that provide a roadmap to how we'll bring the vision to life.

Just as the disciples and the Apostle Paul were propelled by Christ, these goals are meant to propel us to grow vital Acts 2 congregations, make new disciples and change the world. The 2020 Vision calls us to lean into the stiff winds of our time with daring and determination that can only be described as a church fully invested in the Gospel.

At the heart of our inspiration and motivation is our love and devotion to Christ as our Lord and Savior. But how do we manifest this in our daily language and living? Why do the churches of the Baltimore-Washington Conference exist and why must we grow and engage in the world?

First and foremost, we are called to engage the non- and nominally religious who are in our communities and in our families. They seek meaning and purpose in congregations that exemplify the unconditional love of God. They are also looking for passionate congregations that are engaged in growing deeper discipleship and transforming mission in the world. They are looking for authentic communities with compelling visions that capture the hearts and imaginations of new generations of believers.

To those disciples already serving in our churches, I urge you to reflect upon the words of theologian Walter Wink, "It is the prophetic task, in a time of unraveling hopes, to declare the unimaginable, to assert the rationality of the unthinkable, to call the people to new hope, grounded not in the past but on the sheer faith that God is about to do the impossible."

These words delve into the why of our vision. We worship a creator God who calls us to do and experience astounding things.

Our vision is audacious as it has a $230 million goal. $124 million is through our apportionments and $80 million is for supportive housing, of which $20 million is already secured. The remaining funds are for leadership development, new church starts, campus ministry, mission partnerships, ending deaths by malaria, and small church development. Ten million dollars will be raised to support local church initiatives to grow vital Acts 2 congregations. A feasibility study is being conducted for a conference-wide fundraising campaign to raise the funds for the mission, leadership development and mission initiatives that will be presented to the annual conference for adoption.

These are exciting times within the Baltimore-Washington Conference. We had a fruitful year in 2011 and anticipate an even better year in 2012. We have a forward leaning vision and we have committed clergy and lay disciples that are ready to lead us toward the vision. God's vision for you, for all of us, involves living fully and sacrificially, with grace and meaning. It is my prayer you find yourself in the vision and bring it to life in remarkable ways.

Keep the faith!

John R. Schol, Bishop


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