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50 everyday faith practices

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50 ways to begin to experience the means of grace

God calls us into the sacred. If you’re not sure here to begin, below are 50 faith practices you might consider and incorporate one or two into your daily routine.

Listen to the podcast with Richard Foster.

Make an altar or prayer space in your house that reflects the things that are holy to you.

When you’re reading the newspaper, pray over the headlines.

Close your eyes; sit absolutely silently for 30 minutes.

Write a letter that shares your faith to someone in the periphery of your life.

Create a short and personal ritual for confession and pardon.

Remember King David; dance with abandon.

Give to a stranger.

Laugh from your gut.


Offer grace.

Pay attention to shadows.

Write an email to an elected official about something that really matters.


Reflect upon religious symbols and claim one as your own.


Be light.

Be salt. Add a bit of flavor to someone’s day.

Consider that where you’re standing is holy ground.

Clean out a drawer, let go of some of the physical and spiritual clutter in your life.

Find something beautiful and truly appreciate it.

Work very hard on a project you are passionate about, but seldom find the time for.

Say the words “I love you,” to those in your life who need to hear it.


Take a prayer walk.

Refuse to be timid.

Make art; create something.

Keep your promises.

Read and reflect upon a portion of the Bible with which you’re not familiar.

Breathe deeply.

Be kind to someone who annoys you.

Play with a child and find a fun, offbeat way to tell them something about Jesus.

Say “thank you” a lot.

Practice diversity.

Visit someone who may be lonely.

Opt for humility.

Learn three new things today.

Think about whatever is holding you back; take that next step.

Pray some more.

Make peace.

Find someone you believe is wise and ask them a question; begin a conversation.

Go deeper.

Be fully present – here, now.

Celebrate the little things.

Tell God’s story.

Be generous in unexpected ways.

Insist on self-control.

Take the Sabbath seriously.

Practice what you preach.

Advent is coming. “Prepare ye the way of the Lord.”


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