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3 November events promise new evangelism insights

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The Baltimore-Washington Conference will sponsor at least three evangelism training events this month to help church leaders develop new insights, strategies and enthusiasm for sharing the gospel and attracting and growing disciples of Jesus Christ.

The three all-day events will offer a variety of speakers and workshop leaders, including practitioners, professors and pastors, all of whom will bring innovative concepts about evangelism and discipleship from different perspectives.

'The Race To Reach Out,' to be held Wednesday, Nov. 9, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Baltimore-Washington Conference Center, is about connecting newcomers to Christ and to one's church. It is an evangelism and discipleship seminar designed to help pastor and laymember teams understand the important ministries of hospitality and assimilation of new members.

Douglas Anderson, Executive Director of the Bishop Rueben Job Center for Leadership Development and a former pastor of growing churches, will teach participants how to offer others a life-transforming encounter with Jesus Christ and how to design an assimilation system that produces disciples and not inactive members.

Current registration fees are $69 per person, or $59 per person for two or three registrants from the same church, or $49 per person for four or more registrants from the same church. The cost includes lunch and materials. For more information, call Melva Nowell at (410) 309-3436. You can register online at or to register and pay by mail, use the attached flyer.

The School of Evangelism, an annual event, will be in session all day Saturday, Nov. 12, at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. This year's theme is 'Faith Sharing: Led by God to Be a Witness,' taken from the faith-sharing component of the conference's new Discipleship Adventure initiative.

Participants can expext valuable information and insights to help churches improve their understanding and practice of evangelism from various perspectives. Scott Kisker, Professor of Evangelism at Wesley, will deliver a keynote address and seven workshops will include Evangelism 101, Evangelism for Youth and Young Adults, Contact (interpersonal) Evangelism, Cross-cultural Evangelism, Church Growth Trends and Strategies, and Developing Your Spiritual Autobiography.

Registration is at 8 a.m., the opening worship and plenary session begin at 9 a.m., followed by two workshop sessions and a brief closing program that ends at 4 p.m.

Registration for individuals $25; Teams of 3 or more from churches may attend for $60. College and seminary students may attend for free. A continental breakfast and a pasta lunch are included. To register online go to

ShOutreach, a strategic outreach ministry workshop, will be held at the conference center Tuesday, Nov. 22, 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. for lay and clergy ministry leaders. Geoff Peters, cofounder of Missional Marketing, based in California, will offer practical tools and tactics to research one?s community, identify ministry opportunities for everyone and execute effective outreach strategies while having fun. Sessions will include: 'Every member is a minister,' 'Who are the people in your neighborhood?' 'Outreach Planning 101,' and 'Putting it all together ? to go forth.'

Peters, an energetic workshop leader, has conducted training events for thousands of ministry leaders across the country and for government agencies and corporations like Disney.

The $25 cost includes lunch. For information and to register by mail see the ShOutreach Workshop Flyer and Registration Form. Or contact conference Director of Congregational Life, the Rev. Rodney Smothers, at or call (800) 492-2525, Ext. 432.



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