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2005 Apportionment Giving: A graphic representation

Posted by Bwcarchives on

2005 giving in the Baltimore-Washington Conference

 Disciples of Jesus Christ engaged in the Discipleship Adventure practice faithful stewardship. Money placed in an offering plate each week enables mission and ministry at the local church, conference and worldwide level.

Dollars received from apportionment asking

 In 2005, your church, along with more than 690 others, contributed more than $15.2 million to transform people?s lives through the ministries of the Baltimore-Washington Conference (graph A).



Percentage Received

When the annual conference session adopts the budget, each local church covenants to pay its fair share. In 2005, churches in the Baltimore-Washington Conference paid 89.7 percent of what they had covenanted to give.

Benevolence Factor

Apportionments are calculated, in part, by a so-called 'benevolence factor,' which is a percentage of the money that a local church spends on itself. This factor has decreased in recent years and is projected to go down again in 2007.


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