100 isn't as old as it used to be
COLUMBIA - Three conference churches celebrated the 100-years birthdays of members in October. The oldest by a week is Katie Hopkins from St. Mark?s UMC in Laurel. Her church helped celebrate her Oct. 10 birthday. She lived her whole life until about a year ago in her parents? home on Ninth Street in the Grove section of Old Town Laurel. She is now in the Mariner Health Care facility. She is physically frail and in a wheel chair, but 'sharp as a nail,' said lay leader Charles Gregg.
The Revs. Carol Yocum and Dick Harden and the congregation at Reisterstown UMC helped May Eberle celebrate her 100th on Oct. 17. Her wish as she blew out the candles on her cake was to live to be 101.
Ben Ford 'doesn?t even walk with a cane or a walker,' said Cheryl Smith who manages Oak Lodge in Pasadena. Ford turned 100 on Oct. 22, celebrating with more than 100 friends at Mount Zion Magothy UMC. 'It?s exciting,' he said. 'I thank God I?m alive.
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