Statement from Bishop LaTrelle Easterling: Nov. 1, 2016

As a people of faith, our hope is built on the Solid Rock, Jesus the Christ. The catastrophe that occurred in Southwest Baltimore this morning, when a school bus crashed into the side of transit bus, leaves us all shaken. Although all of the details are unknown, what we do know is that precious lives were lost.
We pray especially for the families of those who died in the crash, which includes the school bus driver and five people on the MTA bus. We also lift in prayer the 10 others injured in the crash, the first responders, and all those whose lives have been radically impacted by this tragedy.
It strikes me that not one of the people present on Frederick Avenue this morning woke up knowing of the tragedy that lay ahead. In times like these, we are reminded of how precious life is, and that we should never take tomorrow for granted.
Our hearts break for those who lost loved ones in the blink of an eye, and for those who are in pain after the crash. I invite you to join me as together, we, the people of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, pray for healing and comfort and for safety on our streets. On this All Saints Day, we lift our unified heart to God in prayer, certain of God's promise of steadfast care, love and life everlasting.
In the healing name of Jesus,
Bishop Easterling