News and Views

Message from the bishop upon her return

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I am humbled and deeply grateful to be requested for a third quadrennium to serve a newly formed episcopal area that includes the Baltimore-Washington and Peninsula-Delaware Conferences. Your belief in and support of my leadership are humbling and inspiring. I serve to bring God glory, nurture disciples and assist in transforming our communities. And, it’s all done through the lens of Christ-centered justice. This is a gift we’ve been given. We cannot squander it. 

You have confirmed so many of my leadership principles: the importance of listening, the value of surrounding oneself with the most capable people, and not being afraid to take intelligent risks. You have also challenged me to be more prophetic, to never fear standing alone if it’s the right thing to do and to always be my authentic self. 

I am more committed than ever to empowering, equipping and deploying every member, lay and clergy, who desires to make a vital difference for the kin-dom of God. Thank you for this incredible opportunity to continue our ministry journey together. God said yes; I say, “Let’s Go!”

Blessings and Peace,
Bishop LaTrelle Easterling
The Baltimore-Washington and Peninsula-Delaware Conferences
The United Methodist Church

