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Showing items for 'Advocacy and Action'

Bethesda UMC begins ministry to federal workers
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By Melissa Lauber Visit Hearts for Public Service  Amidst the sweep of ongoing and often devastating layoffs of federal workers, the congregation of Bethesda UMC is working to create a ministry that they hope others will join or use as a template to address what, at times, can seem like an...

Upholding the Values of DEI
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From the Rev. Stacey Cole-WilsonExecutive Minister of Beloved Community The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has long been committed to upholding the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. These core principles are not only grounded in our lived experience as...

Health care and gun violence top legislative priorities
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By Melissa Lauber Jesus stood boldly in the public square and preached for justice, peace and equity. United Methodists should do no less, Bishop LaTrelle Easterling told a group gathered on Nov. 18 at the BWC Mission Center and online to explore legislative advocacy. “People of faith are...

Resources of Intimate Partner Violence Awareness Month
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From the Seeds of Security Intimate Partner Violence Network of the Baltimore-Washington and Peninsula-Delaware Conferences Join us across the affiliation, as we mourn lives lost to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), connect with others working to provide essential resources, celebrate the...

Honoring Indigenous People's Day
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The General Conference of The United Methodist Church affirms the sacredness of Native American people, their languages, cultures, and gifts to the church and the world, past and present. As people of faith, we celebrate and honor Native American peoples and commemorate their histories...

Poor People’s Campaign holds major DC rally to combat poverty
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WASHINGTON (RNS) — Thousands of clergy, union leaders, activists and scholars rallied near the U.S. Capitol on Saturday (June 18) at a march organized by the Poor People’s Campaign, calling on Congress to take action and address the plight of millions of Americans who struggle with poverty and...

Resources to Take Action against Gun Violence
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By Susan Bender, Chair, Gun Violence Prevention Team Our hearts cry out for the recent shooting victims in Buffalo, Uvalde, Tulsa, and all around our conference. Gun violence is a complicated issue and there is no simple answer. That doesn’t mean we should accept that nothing can be done...

Stop the Shooting on our Streets
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By Susan BenderChair, BWC-UMC Gun Violence Prevention Team  At annual conference in October, members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference  passed a resolution declaring gun violence a public health emergency within our conference.  Last week, a mother was killed in D.C...

Safe storage of guns saves lives
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 By Susan Bender  At annual conference in October, the Baltimore-Washington Conference passed a resolution declaring gun violence a public health emergency within our conference. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 2,300 children ages 0-17 were killed...

District renovates second parsonage for affordable housing
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By Melissa Lauber Over the past several months, God has been showing up at Journey UMC in Temple Hills “in all kinds of unexpected ways,” said the Rev. Michael Parker. On Dec. 18, Parker stood on the front lawn of a former parsonage and consecrated it to become home for a family in...