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Bishop Offers a Word of Gratitude for Clergy Appreciation Month

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Beloved of God,

The Word of God in Isaiah proclaims:

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news, proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’”

It is October, and that means it is Clergy Appreciation Month. I know for a fact that a month really isn’t adequate to contain the depth of thanks and appreciation your faithfulness deserves. You rise every morning to offer a fresh yes to God’s call and pour yourselves out in love and service each day. You live the words of that Scripture by bringing Good News, proclaiming peace, offering good tidings and proclaiming salvation. While that is the public face of your ministry, you often labor in isolation, whether reading a book, preparing for a sermon, engaging a Bible study, or simply offering prayers for those in deep need. I see you. We see you. God sees you. Your labor is not in vain. 

As we continue to recover from unprecedented pandemics, interrupted plans, and denominational divisions and live in an ever more volatile world, you lead and call us to yet embody compassion, patience, resilience, forgiveness, reconciliation and peace. I watch you creatively looking for new ways to bring the light of Christ to those who are suffering, in recovery, in need of healing, and looking for purpose and a power larger than themselves. Your steadfast presence offers hope for a brighter tomorrow. Thank you.

I celebrate your families and support systems who share you with the world and receive you home in the evening after long and sometimes wearisome days. They know firsthand the joy you experience in serving God and creation; but they also know the depth of your pain and the silent tears you shed. 

Please know that whether you are a missionary, home missioner, Deaconess, licensed local pastor, Certified Lay Minister, Deacon or Elder; whether you serve in the parish or in ministry beyond the local church, you are appreciated; you are precious; you are prayed for and you are loved.

I encourage the congregations of the Baltimore-Washington and Peninsula-Delaware Area to celebrate your clergy. Offer them your sincere gratitude and pray with them. Let them know that you see their hard work and you appreciate their ministry. Shower them with love!

And now, won’t you join me in this prayer?

Holy and loving God,

You are great and greatly to be praised. There is none other like you and we humble ourselves before your presence. I lift before you those whom you have called into set-apart ministry. Those you have gifted and graced to be living vessels of faith, hope and love. Bless them and meet their needs according to your riches in glory. Bless them and heal them from any wounds, disappointments or pains arising from their servant leadership. Bless them and fill them with joy. May they know this day that they are at the center of your heart and loved beyond measure. Give them a double portion of your anointing for the journey ahead and grant them everlasting peace. Amen and amen. 

Grace and Peace,

Bishop LaTrelle Easterling
Episcopal Leader, Baltimore-Washington & Peninsula Delaware Area
The United Methodist Church


