Bill Weller’s marble ministry a sign of God’s love
By Melissa Lauber
UMConnection Staff
Smiles tend to follow Bill Weller around. But the laughter has a purpose, it helps point people to God’s love.
Weller, the president of the Baltimore-Washington Conference United Methodist Men, is quick with a joke. He also shares his faith with a Marble Moving Ministry.
This is how it works. He stocks up on marbles at the dollar store and carries them in his bag or pocket. When he sees someone he would like to share his faith with (and he likes to share his faith with everyone), Weller approaches them and says, “Hi, there.”
He then launches into a simple script: “I want to share with you that in my church I am part of a group of people who are called Marble Movers. When we find someone that has helped us or we can just tell they need an encouraging word, we give them a gift.

Bishop Marcus Matthews, left, receives a marble from Bill Weller.
Have the marble already in your hand, Weller explained, and extend your hand so they can tell you want to give them something. As you place the marble in their hand and gently fold their fingers around the marble you say, “When you feel this in your pocket, when you see it on your desk or your bureau tonight and for as long as it lasts and it will last longer than you, it will remind you that God Loves you and so do I. Have a blessed day.”
If it feels right, Weller then invites people to join him in getting a positive start on each day with a morning prayer group that meets on the phone.
“Each day at 5:55 a.m., there are about 20 of us that try to move a marble every day. We also read a scripture and have a meditation,” he said.
The number for the prayer group is 605-562-3000; the PIN is 710605#
As president of the conference United Methodist Men, Weller’s ministry is one of being a prayer advocate and alerting people to possibilities that come with God’s love.
“Men’s ministry is critical to the vitality of our churches and communities,” he said. Those interested in learning more can visit
To learn more about the marble ministry or talk with Weller, contact him at 443-845-8748 or .