Appointment Announcement from Bishop Easterling
I greet you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
With my deep appreciation for her ministry and many gifts, and with prayerful discernment in fulfilling the needed consultation process, I share with you my intention to appoint the Rev. Dr. Laura Easto as pastor of Potomac United Methodist Church in Potomac, Maryland, effective July 1, 2017. Dr. Easto has served as the Baltimore Suburban District Superintendent since 2013.
Dr. Easto has a great passion for parish ministry, preaching, and advocacy. She believes this is the right time in her ministry to return to the local parish. She has served as a delegate to both General and Jurisdictional Conferences, and as a member and chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry.
It goes without saying that we on the Cabinet, and those in the Baltimore Suburban District, will miss Dr. Easto's leadership. She brings a deep historical knowledge of the conference, and often asks the hard questions. Her leadership is also centered in a deep spirituality, which has been a valued part of our work together.
I know the leadership and congregation of Potomac UMC, and the surrounding community, will be blessed. I am so thankful to the District clergy, laity, and Superintendency Committee for the support and love they have given to Dr. Easto and her ministry.
Please join me in offering prayers for Laura and her family as they transition into this new ministry. Please also offer prayers for the Baltimore Suburban District as they receive a new superintendent.
Blessings and peace,
Bishop LaTrelle Easterling