News and Views

With 'A Refutation' church opens itself to arts, justice
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By Melissa Lauber On Feb. 21, all the passion, fear, sympathy, despair and chaos that accompanied the Yellow Fever Epidemic that broke out in Philadelphia in1793 swept through Ebenezer UMC in Washington, D.C. as Theater of War Productions used drama to create feelings and conversations that felt...

Fresh Expressions gathering centers on love
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By Rev. Chet JechuraGood Shepherd UMC, Baltimore From Feb. 27 – March 1, people of faith from across and beyond the United Methodist connection gathered at Peachtree Road UMC in Atlanta, Georgia, for the Fresh Expressions UM National Gathering.  Over a dozen laity and clergy...

BWC's 2024 giving reflects growth, strength
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By Rev. Daryl Williams Chair, BWC Commission on Finance and Administration February is always an exciting time for me. It is not simply because of Valentine’s Day or my wife’s birthday, but also because the books for the previous year are closed, and we get to see how we did...

IGNITE sparks new spirit among youth
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By Melissa Lauber The North Point Worship band was winding up the musical portion of the worship service at IGNITE when Enam, a youth from Colesville UMC, quietly approached the area in front of the stage and fell to his knees, raised his arms, threw back his head, and prayed. It was a prayer of...

UMs gather for Advocacy Days in Annapolis
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 By Neal Christie The Baltimore-Washington Conference held the first of three advocacy days on Feb. 25 in Annapolis, the state capitol of Maryland.  Key bills were advanced that align our faith with our experiences as United Methodists living across the many diverse counties in...

A Lenten Prayer
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By the Rev. Tony Love I Need You Now, Lord  As I begin this sacred journey,A traveler owning my sin, faults, and failure, Moving outward to embrace Your gifts of love, grace, and redemption,  I need You.  I need YouTo call me out, firmly in truth.To cause me to face my stuff...

Upholding the Values of DEI
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From the Rev. Stacey Cole-WilsonExecutive Minister of Beloved Community The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has long been committed to upholding the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. These core principles are not only grounded in our lived experience as...

Governor calls on UMs to 'lead with love'
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By Melissa Lauber In the narthex of Silver Spring UMC, a young man planted himself directly in the path of Maryland Governor Wes Moore, who was visiting the church that morning. The governor smiled and asked the young man his name. It was Bobby – Bobby Ryan-Silva. Moore leaned in close to...