Gun Violence Prevention
In days to come...they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more; but they shall all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid (Micah 4:1, 3-4)
No community is immune to the tragic consequences, death and trauma inflicted by gun violence. “Whether it happens in the towns of northeastern Nigeria, a suburb in the United States, the streets of Australia, or an office in France, gun violence has become an all-too-often frightening phenomenon. We need the reality of Micah’s vision more than ever.” (2016 Book of Resolutions #3428).
A Call to Prayer and Action in Response to Gun Violence, from the Council of Bishops
Legislative Action Alert: Support Gun Violence Prevention Now
Gun Violence Prevention Team Chairperson
There are many ways congregations can be involved in this vital peacemaking ministry. Check out the resources below:
- Book of Resolutions #3428
- Gun Sense Resources for Local Churches
- GBCS page for Gun Violence Prevention
- Study resource, Kingdom Dreams, Violence Realities
Gun Safety Information
- Heeding God's Call to End Gun Violence
- Flyer on Safe Storage
- Talking to kids about Gun Safety
- Courageous Conversations for Youth: Gun Violence
- Gun Safety Brochure
- Gun Safety Videos
- Gun Violence Safety cards
- Survivors Toolkit
Gun Violence Prevention Team Webinars
- Safe Storage of Firearms Saves Lives
- How to Stop the Shooting on our Streets/ Take Back our Neighborhoods: Violence Interruption Programs/Ghost Guns
Resources for Suicide Prevention:
- Extreme Risk Protective Orders information
- What you can do to help others
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Community Violence Interruption Programs:
District of Columbia:
Individual and Family Assistance and Grants
- National Center for Victims of Crime
- Crime Victims Compensation A police report is required. This provides up to $25K towards funeral, lost wages, referral to therapy, etc.
- Victims Bill of Rights and Support
- Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants, free and immediate (within 24-48 hours) mental health services through the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement. The two providers are One Common Unity (for anyone 24 years old and younger) and So Others Might Eat (for adults 18 years of age and older). This includes traditional 1:1 therapy, animal therapy (therapy dogs), music and movement therapy and EMDR (trauma treatment).
Support and Funding
- Victim Services
- Baltimore Victim and Witness Services
- US State’s Attorney for MD, Campaign to End Gun Violence
- University of Baltimore, Rebuild, Overcome, And Rise (Umb-ROAR)
- Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement, Victims Services
- Maryland Department of Public Safety, Criminal Injuries Compensation
- Maryland’s Victim of Crime Fund
- MD Crime Victims Resource Center