Commissioning Prayer for Conference Members

The following Commissioning Prayer was written for local churches to offer a blessing to the pastor and lay member(s) who will be attending the 241st Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference on May 13-15. 

In addition, church members are encouraged to pray for the Annual Conference session, to lift up the theme of "Rejoice in the Lord: Dwell in Joy," and to reflect on the guiding Scripture, Philippians 4:4-9.


A Blessing for Annual Conference Members


Lay Leader:
Speaking to the congregation. As persons are named, they are invited to move to the front of the worship space.

 Dear friends, today we commission [pastors] and [lay representatives] to a special task in the service of Jesus Christ.
This week, [names/they] will travel to the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference, where they will share the delights of our ministry here with others, and represent us in the joyful and holy work of praying, serving and administering the life of United Methodists in this area.

 [LAY LEADER] will turn and continue speaking to those who are to be commissioned…

[Names], in the name of this congregation, I commend you to this work and pledge our prayers, encouragement and support. May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen you and shield your joy as you do God's will in the service of Jesus Christ.

We go gladly in your service and the service of the Divine God.

Lay Leader:
Please join us as we pray together the unison prayer of commissioning:

God of joy and mystery, you call us,
but like Samuel in the temple,
we do not know your call clearly
without each other's help.

Guide [names] as they go
to represent us at Annual Conference,
and to make decisions there on our behalf.

Grant them your abiding peace, and in all things
Guard their hearts and minds, that they might
Abide in all places and times in your joy.
Give them the humility to learn from others,
help them rely on one another as companions,
and give them the heart of the [Holy] Spirit
to trust the wisdom of the gathered body.
Give them faith to follow any callings they discern.

Above all, give them your love and ours,
that all that they do and say, think and receive,
they may do with love for one another,
for you, and for the world we are called to serve. Amen.

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