Bus Schedule 2025

Bus Transportation to the Annual Conference May 13 -- May 15, 2025
Hilton Inner Harbor Hotel in Baltimore

 Bus 1 – Western Region – approximately 15 people with luggage

May 13, 2025
  1. Pick-up New Covenant, Melvin UMC, 100 Reynolds Street in Cumberland at 8:15 a.m. for 8:30 a.m. departure
  2. The bus makes a second pick-up at St. Andrews UMC, 1010 Maryland Avenue in Hagerstown at approximately 9:15 a.m.
  3. The bus makes a third pick-up at Trinity UMC, 703 West Patrick Street in Frederick at approximately 10:30 a.m.
  4. The bus drops everyone off at Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor, 401 West Pratt Street in Baltimore at approximately 11:30 a,m.
 May 15, 2025
  1. Pick-up at Baltimore Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor, 401 West Pratt Street in Baltimore at 6:30 for a 7 p,m. departure
  2. The bus drops off at Trinity UMC, 703 West Patrick Street in Frederick at approximately 8 p.m.
  3. The bus makes a second drop-off at St. Andrews UMC, 1010 Maryland Avenue in Hagerstown at approximately 9:15 p.m.
  4. The bus makes its final drop-off at Melvin UMC, 100 Reynolds Street in Cumberland, around 10 p.m.

 Bus 2 – Southern Region – approximately 15 people with luggage

May 13, 2025
  1. Pick-up Mt. Zion UMC, 27108 Mt. Zion Church Road in Mechanicsville, at 7:45 a.m. for 8 a.m. departure
  2. The bus makes a second pick-up at Calvary UMC, 3234 Leonardtown Road in Waldorf at approximately 8:45 a.m,
  3. The bus makes a third pick-up at Bethel UMC, 16101 Swanson Road in Upper Marlboro at approximately 9:20 a.m.
  4. The bus makes its final drop-off at Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor, 401 West Pratt Street in Baltimore at approximately 11 a.m.
 May 15, 2025
  1. Pick-up Hilton Inner Harbor, 401, West Pratt Street in Baltimore at 6:30 p.m. for 7 p.m. departure
  2. The bus makes a first drop at Bethel UMC, 1601 Swanson Road in Upper Marlboro at approximately 8:45 p.m.
  3. The bus makes a second drop-off Calvary UMC, 3234 Leonardtown Road in Waldorf at approximately 9:20 p.m.
  4. The bus makes its final drop-off at Mt. Zion UMC, 27108 Mt. Zion Church Road in Mechanicsville at approximately 10:p.m.

 Bus 3 – Central Maryland District – approximately 6-8 people with luggage

May 13, 2025
  1. Pick-up Towson UMC, 501 Hampton Lane at Towson at 8:45 for 9 a.m. departure
  2. The bus makes a second pick-up at Bel Air UMC, 21 Linwood Avenue in Belair at approximately 10 a.m.
  3. The bus makes a third pick-up at the Conference Center, 11711 East Market Place in Fulton, at approximately 11 a.m.
  4. The bus makes its final drop-off at Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor, 401 West Pratt Street in Baltimore at approximately 11:30 a.m.
 May 15,2025
  1. Pick-up Hilton Inner Harbor, 401 West Pratt Street in Baltimore at 6:30 p.m. for 7 p.m. departure
  2. The bus makes first drop-off at Conference Center, 11711 East Market Place in Fulton at approximately 7:30 p.m.
  3. The bus makes second drop-off at Bel Air UMC, 21 Linwood Avenue in Bel Air at approximately 8:30 p.m.
  4. The bus makes its final drop-off at Towson UMC, 501 Hampton Lane in Towson at approximately 9:30 p,m.