PreConference FAQ 2024

Clergy and lay members from the BWC gathered for a PreConference Briefing on May 11 to review items coming before the Annual Conference session later this month. The following questions were raised. 

Council on Finance and Administration

Does the 2025 budget proposal include any additional General Church apportionments that came from the General Conference Session?  
The General Conference apportionment numbers were updated this week and will be incorporated into the 2025 budget proposal before Annual Conference.  The new allocation added $4,293 to the overall budget.

Pensions and Health Benefits

Does the change to Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) affect retirees?
BCBS is for active clergy and retired clergy not Medicare-eligible. Via Benefits offers Medicare-eligible participants and Medicare-eligible spouses choices for their health care coverage. 

Equitable Compensation

Are local licensed pastors covered by the minimum clergy salary table?
The table applies to all full-time clergy under appointment and is prorated for any part-time appointments. 

 Please remind me of the 2025 minimum clergy salary and the housing allowance recommendation.
The proposed 2025 minimum salary is $50,908 plus $250 per year of service up to 15 years.  The housing allowance recommendation is $22,477.

How can a 4 percent increase in the minimum salary table keep pace with the Social Security COLA (SS COLA) increase of 8 percent?
The Commission on Equitable Comp has a goal to provide a smooth path for the minimum salary table through any inflationary spikes.  The 8% increase in the SS COLA in 2023 was followed by an increase of 3 percent in 2024.  We understand that many churches cannot afford to keep up with the actual inflationary pressures.  But, we also recognize that churches that are more capable of following the spikes will discern a different path.  Prior to 2022, the minimum salary table averaged increases that were 0.5 percent per year higher than the SS COLA increases over the prior 10 years.  That proactive approach is helping the minimum salary table to keep pace with inflation through the current spike.

Do we provide retired clergy with a housing allowance?  
No. The Board of Pensions resolution that approves the retired clergy housing allowance satisfies the IRS requirement that the annual conference adopt a policy that enables up to 100 percent of a retired clergy’s pension to be declared as their housing allowance for tax purposes.  

Nominations Committee

Where can I find the leadership report?
The report will be available at Annual Conference. You can find descriptions of committees and a list of openings here.

Can anyone fill out the Leadership Interest Form?
Yes, the Nominations Committee will receive these forms from anyone who has discerned a call to work with a BWC committee or agency. The form can be found here.

General Conference

When will the Constitutional Amendment for the Regionalization Plan from General Conference be voted upon by annual conferences?  
To allow for a period of education and discernment, the constitutional amendment on regionalization will be considered during the 2025 annual conference season.

If the constitutional amendment for regionalization is not voted on until next year, does this leave our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters in limbo until then?
No, non-constutional portions of the Book of Discipline and Social Principles go into effect either immediately, or on Jan. 1, 2025. The BWC will continue to be a place of inclusion, which works to ensure a place at the table for all people.


Will a vote of confidence be taken on the restructuring plan?
No. In accordance with the Book of Discipline, the annual conference will vote on the proposal to reduce the number of districts from eight to six. The restructuring plan was created by hundreds of members at several listening sessions and refined and endorsed by the Connectional Table and Discipleship Council. 

How far apart will the non-geographic districts be?
The configuration of districts is still in progress. It is anticipated the districts may be configured by January 2025.

What are the anticipated impacts on clergy, staff, and lay leaders in a Connecting Church, specifically administrative impacts/costs?
Connecting churches will invest time and focus in providing leadership and sharing best practices and other information. Necessary funds and other resources will be provided by the Conference.  

 What vitality metrics will be used to identify those Connecting Churches?
There is one certainty: membership size will not be a determining factor in selecting the Connecting Churches. The vitality metrics include how well a church lives out its faith in the areas of living and loving like Jesus, seeing all the people, deepening discipleship, and multiplying impact. 

In a previous presentation it sounded like the DS's responsibilities will be divided between missional responsibilities and administrative responsibilities. Is that correct, and if so, can you say a little more about the division between missional strategy and administration?
We are moving away from the label of “district superintendents” and are beginning to use the name and idea of “conference superintendents.” This will enable the conference to better utilize the unique gifts and skill sets of each superintendent. The Book of Discipline offers a long job description of the superintendent. Some involve administrative ministries and others address missional strategy. The restructuring plan seeks to streamline administration and increase the number of mission strategists through collaborative hubs even as superintendents maintain their role as chief missional strategists. 

How will the role of district lay leaders change?
While the number of districts may change, the role and ministry of district lay leaders are expected to be similar and will evolve as needs and new insights arise.

Other questions

What items get placed on the Consent Calendar?
The BWC rules state that only resolutions, reports or petitions with no action items will be placed on the Consent Calendar.  Included on this year's Consent Calendar are the Discipleship Ministry reports