Endorsing an Episcopal Candidate

Rules and Guidelines for Endorsement by the Annual Conference of an Episcopal Candidate(s) to the NEJ

a) In any quadrennium when an Episcopal Election will be held in the NEJ, a recommendation and endorsement of nominee(s), if any, shall be determined at the session of the Annual Conference immediately prior to the next regular session of the NEJ in which the election will be held.40

b) The Delegation, having followed the process described herein (¶3013.3.) shall recommend, to the Annual Conference, nominee(s), if any, for Episcopal election by the NEJ.

c) Any Elder who meets the requirements of the Discipline is eligible for nomination as a candidate for the Episcopacy.

d) Any Elder who meets the requirements of the Discipline is eligible for nomination as a candidate for the Episcopacy.

e) Episcopal Nominee Endorsement Process to be followed at Annual Conference:

(1) It is recommended that, early in the regular session of the Conference, the Delegation leader, or such other Delegation member as decided by the Delegation, shall present to the Annual Conference the name and qualifications of the recommended nominee(s), if any, for endorsement as an Episcopal candidate and shall describe the discernment process followed by the Delegation. All Delegation members should be present on stage at the time the presentation is made.

(2) Following the recommendation of the nominee(s), if any, by the Delegation, and after allowing a reasonable time for prayer and discernment, members of the Conference may make nominations from the floor. A reasonable time shall be a minimum of two hours between the recommendation of the nominee(s) by the Delegation and nominations from the floor.

(3) If any nomination(s) is made from the floor, that person or persons shall have four (4) hours within which to submit a written statement (Statement) to the Conference Secretary. The Statement shall be on the same form and follow the same format as those who were considered by the delegation, should describe his or her call to the episcopacy, and shall provide the same information as described in ¶3013.3.c). Any person nominated who does not provide a Statement to the Conference Secretary within the four-hour deadline shall be considered withdrawn from consideration. This provision does not apply to the nominee(s) recommended by the Delegation, whose Statement(s) will have already been provided to the members of the Annual Conference.

(4) The Conference Secretary shall immediately copy and distribute, to the members of the Annual Conference, any Statements submitted.

(5) Voting shall be held only after there has been a reasonable time (¶3013.3.d) for prayer and discernment after distribution of the Statements of any person(s) nominated from the floor, if any. If there are no nominations from the floor, voting shall be held at any time thereafter.

(6) Immediately prior to the vote, each nominee shall have not longer than three(3) minutes to address the Annual Conference.


Election Process by the Conference

a) Voting for nominee(s) for Episcopal endorsement shall be by written or electronic ballot.

b) Write-in candidates shall result in an invalid ballot.

c) Any nominee who receives sixty-six percent (66%) or more of all valid ballots cast shall receive the endorsement of the Annual Conference to be an episcopal candidate at NEJ.

d) If no nominee is elected after four ballots, balloting shall cease and there shall beno endorsement of an Episcopal candidate from the Conference.

e) If a nominee is elected within four ballots, the Annual Conference shall decide whether to continue balloting for additional Episcopal candidates. A decision to continue balloting shall require a motion and second, and be approved by 66% of the Conference. It is recommended that the motion include a specific number of additional ballots.

f) Any nominee who wishes to withdraw his or her name from balloting may make a brief statement but shall make no reference for or against the election of other nominees.41



a) There shall be no campaigning for or by a nominee before or during the Annual Conference.

b) No letters, buttons, or other publicity materials that advocate or oppose the election of any nominee shall be distributed by the nominee, or by any delegation, caucus, or support group of that nominee.

c) If requested, a nominee may provide information and engage in conversation with other individuals about his or her candidacy.