Every Thursday, from 02/02/2023 to 03/23/2023, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Registration will close on February 2nd, 2023 at 1pm.
Every moment we have a decision whether to create more inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism (IDEA) or less. This 8-session course will focus on six actions that you and community partners can take to grow in building beloved community and hence create spaces of belonging and becoming.
You will learn how to have contextual brave conversations that matter, learn evidence-based strategies for bias reduction, become rooted in Theological and Wesleyan principles that undergird this work, and participate in brief spiritual practices that are designed to deepen your capacity to better build bridges, heal divisions and participate in holy reconciliation as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Facilitated Zoom Sessions are held on the following dates from 7-8:30 PM ET:
- Thursday, Feb 2, 2023: Orientation
- Thursday, Feb 9, 2023: Discuss Module 1: Seeking Relationships
- Thursday, Feb 16, 2023: Discuss Module 2: Examining our Perceptions
- Thursday, Feb 23, 2023: Discuss Module 3: Listening for Understanding
- Thursday, Mar 2, 2023: Discuss Module 4: Respecting Differences
- Thursday, Mar 9, 2023: Discuss Module 5: Assuming Positive Intent
- Thursday, Mar 16, 2023: Discuss Module 6: Growing in Cultural Humility
- Thursday, Mar 23, 2023: Celebration and Next Steps