Saturday, June 07, 2025, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
An in-person workshop for pastors who will be starting new appointments this year will be held June 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at a variety of locations throughout the Baltimore-Washington and Peninsula-Delaware Area, including:
- The Peninsula-Delaware Conference at Wyoming UMC in Dover, DE
- Washington East & Annapolis Districts at Westphalia UMC in Upper Marlboro, MD
- Baltimore Region at Towson UMC in Towson
- Cumberland-Hagerstown and Frederick Districts at Rehoboth UMC in Williamsport, MD
- Greater Washington & Central MD Districts at the BWC Mission Center, in Fulton, MD.
Those who are attending are asked to enroll in the online New Appointment Training Course by logging in or registering at Once you are logged in, choose "Courses" from the menu on the left, and either scroll down or search for the "New Appointment Training" course. This course should be completed within 4-6 weeks of accepting your new appointment.
To register for the in-person course, contact your district superintendent or administrator.
See a listing of resources for pastors and congregations undergoing a transition in leadership.