Every Monday, from 03/10/2025 to 04/07/2025, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Cost: $35.00
Website: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=6645
Called To Preach—Advanced Course
Date: March 10, 17, 24, 31 and April 7, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Instructor: Cynthia Belt (
Location: Zoom
Called To Preach is designed for those who have not completed formal preaching training, for pastors seeking a basic refresher course, and for others who are called upon to preach in a pastor’s absence. Called To Preach is the required preaching course in the lay speaker track of study.
Required Text: From Pew To Pulpit (Course Participant Book) by Clifton F. Guthrie, ISBN 13: 978-0-687-06660-5
Class Assignments: Please read the book before class. To pass the class, participants must attend each session and complete all required assignments in the requested timeframe.
Online Registration Only: $35
Registration Deadline: March 10, 2025