Annapolis District Lay Servant Academy Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts – Advanced Course

Every Wednesday, from 06/26/2024 to 07/31/2024, 6:30 PM - 4:00 PM

The early church knew what today’s church is rediscovering: that Christians depend on God’s spiritual gifts to provide the foundation for their ministry. Learn more about how your spiritual gifts support your Lay Servant Ministries in this two-week ONLINE course.

Zoom Meeting: Class will be held via Zoom. Information for joining the class will be provided prior to the class start date.  Participants must remain on the screen throughout the class.

Zoom link: (will not be posted but sent to all registered after registration is closed 1 business day before the start date)

Dates and Time:  Wednesdays, June 26, July 20, 17, 24. 31, 2024 6:00 pm- 8 pm

Instructor: Rev. Valerie Barnes

Required Text: Each One a Minister (Course Participant Book) by William J. Carter, ISBN 13: 978-088177-375-0

Class Assignments: Please read the book prior to class. To pass the class, participants must attend each session and complete all required assignments in the requested timeframe.

Online Registration Only: $35

Registration Deadline: June 24, 2024  


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