Introduction to Lay Ministries: The Basic Course - IN PERSON

Every Saturday, from 08/24/2024 to 08/31/2024, 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Cost: $40.00

Introduction to Lay Ministries Course Category:  Basic

(In Person)

Course Description:  This course is foundational for all courses in Lay Servant Ministries. Participants are encouraged to discover and employ personal spiritual gifts as God intended and to consider the importance of exercising servant leadership, developing future leaders, remaining rooted in consistent spiritual practices, and being part of a group that holds members accountable in their discipleship.


Textbook: Lay Servant Ministries – Basic Course

Authors:  Sandy Zeigler and Brian Jackson                                          ISBN: 978-0-88177-626-3

Instructor: Ettadean Hyman, CLM                                                 Email:

Dates & times: Saturdays, August 24 & August 31, 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Location:  St. Luke UM Church, 1100 N. Gilmor St., Baltimore, MD 21217

Registration Deadline: Friday, August 2, 2024

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