CANCELED-Federal Legislative Action Day

CANCELED-Federal Legislative Action Day
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Location: Capitol Hill UMC, 421 Seward Square SE, Washington, DC US 20003

Register Here

The Baltimore-Washington Conference UMC and the United Women in Faith invite you to join us on September 18, 2024, in Washington D.C. for our annual Federal Legislative Advocacy Day! Legislative Advocacy Days are an exciting opportunity for United Methodists to faithfully advocate for the transformation of systems that disenfranchise, marginalize, and oppress.

General Information

Date: September 18, 2024
Time: 10 am to 6 pm (you may be able to leave earlier based on when your meetings with representatives end)
Location: Capitol Hill United Methodist Church (421 Seward Square SE, Washington, DC 20003)

Cost of Registration

Registration With Lunch: $15
Registration Without Lunch: $5

What Legislation Will We Advocate For?

Supporting the Call for a Ceasefire in Israel and Palestine
Prioritization of SNAP in the 2024 FARM Bill Reauthorization


10:00 am | Registrant Check-In
10:30 am | Welcoming Invocation
10:40 am | Reflections on the Ministry of the Advocacy & Action Network
10:50 am | Remarks on 2023 Issues/Legislation
11:10 am | Transition Into Groups & Lunch Box Pick-Up
11:30 am | Preparations for Legislative Visits & Working Lunch
01:00 pm | Leave for Legislative Office Visits
02:00 pm | Legislative Visits
05:30 pm | Return to Capitol Hill UMC
06:00 pm | End of Event

Transportation and Parking

D.C. Metro
Eastern Market Station is a 5-minute walk away from Capitol Hill UMC. Use the WMATA Trip Planner to plan out your metro trip.

Capitol Hill UMC does not have a parking lot. We highly recommend using public transport due to D.C.'s general lack of parking availability. However, below are a list of nearby parking garages that you can explore and considering reserving a spot for. We cannot guarantee that these parking options will have availability on the day of the event.

Lot 660 (600 Pennsylvania Avenue SE): This is a 5-minute walk away from Capitol Hill UMC.
PLEASE NOTE that this parking garage closes at 5:00 pm, so you will have to leave the event early to make it to your car on time.

LAZ Parking Garage (700 Pennsylvania Avenue SE): This is a 7-minute walk away from Capitol Hill UMC.

700 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Garage: This is a 6-minute walk away from Capitol Hill UMC.

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