Washington East District News & Updates 4_25_2019
Dear Washington East District United Methodists Pastors and Churches,
We Greet You in the name of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ!
As many of you may already know, our current District Superintendent, Rev. Rebecca Iannicelli's term as a District Superintendent comes to an end effective July 1, 2019. Rev. Iannicelli has done a phenomenal job in giving leadership to our District for the past six years. We are truly grateful for her work and have been honored to have her as our Superintendent.
In order that we might celebrate the ministry of Rev. Iannicelli, the District Superintendency Committee is planning a Farewell Celebration of Service for her to be held starting at 3PM Sunday June 2, 2019 at the Charles County Fair Grounds (8440 Fairground Road, La Plata, MD 20646). So that we may properly plan the event, please provide an estimate of how many will be attending from your church by clicking here.
The Committee also needs your help with the gift to be offered to Rev. Iannicelli. This gift is a scrapbook depicting all the churches in our District. In order to complete the book, we need you to send a digital color photograph of the outside of your church building, or a picture of your congregation, or both along with a message of two sentences or less. Please email the picture(s) and text to Pastor Kevin Brooks at . Please send the photo as a JPEG formatted file titled “YourChurchName.jpg.” and the message in a text file titled “YourChurchName.txt.” Please include in your correspondence the name of a contact person and the name of your church. We will need the photo(s), text, and attendance estimate no later than May 17, 2019.
Your support of this celebration is deeply appreciated. We are truly thankful for your ministry to your church and to your District. To God be the Glory for the Great Things God is doing through your ministry.
Yours in Christ,
WE District Superintendency Committee:
Mr. David Cullison, Chair
Pastor Kevin Brooks, Vice Chair
Pastor Katie Paul, Secretary
Pastor Peggy Ireland
Pastor Steve Humphrey
Ms. Rosalind Pinkney
Lay Servants are to serve the local church or charge in any way in which their witness or leadership and service inspires the laity to deeper commitment to Christ and more effective discipleship. This includes the interpretation of scriptures, doctrine, organization, and ministries of the church. While one doesn't have to be certified to serve, there are opportunities for those who feel called to become Certified Lay Servants, Certified Lay Speakers or Certified Lay Ministers. One of the strengths of our connectional system is the trainings we offer.
The classes offered may be taken by anyone: member of a congregation, local church leader, or lay servant. All class offerings except Introduction to Lay Servant Ministries: The Basic Course may be used as a re-certification class for Certified Lay Servants, Certified Lay Speakers and Certified Lay Ministers.
You may attend classes outside of your district, based on your own needs.
Course Fee: $35
The Committee on Finance is required to make provision for an annual audit of the records of all the financial officers (including the financial secretary or church business manager and treasurers) of the church and all its organizations and shall report to the Charge Conference. Guidelines for handling of an accountability of funds can be found in the 2017-2020 United Methodist Church Financial Records Handbook and in Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation: FINANCE
Receive funding for your ministry. Applicants must be a member of a United Methodist local church, district, conference, or other affiliated organization, or an ecumenical group or organization working with and through at least one United Methodist agency or organization. Learn more and apply.
United Methodist Communications is pleased to announce their new leadership-focused website, ResourceUMC.org. ResourceUMC is designed to help church leaders do their jobs better by connecting them with information specifically tailored to their interests and needs.
All resolutions set to come before the 235th session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference are due to the Conference Secretary by May 1, 2019. The session will be held May 29-June 1, 2019.
Resolutions should be submitted using the BWC Resolution Submission Form available at: http://tiny.cc/bwc-resolution-form
Please note:
You must first consult with Mark Gorman, Chair of the Rules Committee, prior to submitting resolutions pertaining to Rules of the Session.
For resolutions that have budget implications, you must first consult with Phil Potter, Chair of CFA prior to submitting the resolution.
- The Rev. Quincy D. Brown will lead a workshop on "Discipleship Systems: The 3D Journey," Sept 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the BWC Mission Center in Fulton, and on Sept. 7 at a location that will be announced soon. The workshop will walk clergy and laity through a process to discern, dream and develop. The cost is $35. For more information, contact Jo Chesson at 410-309-3490.
- Christie Latona, the BWC's Director of Connectional Ministry, and the Rev. Joseph Daniels, pastor at Emory UMC in Washington, D.C., have published a new book, "Connecting for a Change: How to Engage People, Churches, and Partners to Inspire Hope in Your Community." The book explores mission strategies and how to align your church's what, who, how and when with God's why. Order your copy on Amazon.
- The Rev. Rodney Smothers has authored, with his daughter, the Rev. Jasmine Smothers, a creative write-your-own-rules-book for leading a 22nd-century church movement. The book is titled "Blank Slate." Learn more about creating a church for the next generations. Order your copy on Amazon.
- Wesley Theological Seminary understands that you are juggling ministry, family, and work responsibilities, but still need to find out more about continuing your theological education. Consider attending its next "Welcome Table" open house, tomorrow, April 25, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. In a concise program, you will experience a class at Wesley and get the answers you need. For more information, go to https://www.wesleyseminary.edu/visit-2/ .
- On May 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., join facilitators Dr. Asa Lee of Wesley Theological Seminary and the Rev. Andrew Peck-McClain in a conversation about the life and legacy of Howard Thurman, one of the most influential theologians of the 20th century. Registration is $20 and includes lunch. This event is co-sponsored by the Advocacy and Action Network of the Baltimore-Washington Conference and will be held at Kittamaquindi Community Church located at 5410 Leaf Trader Way in Columbia. Register and learn more.
- Mission u 2019, a deep dive into serving God in new and exciting ways, will be held July 26-28 at the Bethesda Marriott Hotel. The school will offer sessions based on several resources for adults: Practicing Resurrection: The Gospel of Mark and Radical Discipleship, Women United for Change: 150 Years in Mission, and What About Our Money? A Faith Response. There is also an outstanding resource for youth: Who Do You Say That I Am? Meeting Jesus through the Eyes of Mark. This event is a collaboration between BWC's United Methodist Women, Abundant Health and Young People's Ministry networks. Adult commuters who register by June 1 pay $230. Youth commuters pay $135 for this 2.5-day event. Meals are included. Hotel costs are additional and vary based on number of roommates. Download brochures and register.
- Are you planning a mission trip within the US or globally? Are you interested in joining a trip? Maybe you are ready to form a team and are wondering where the Lord might need you to go? Post trips, join teams, and find out everything you need to know about BWC Early Response (ERT) and Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Teams and training at missiontrips.bwcumc.org/.
- Do you know of a University of Maryland student who loves God, loves people and wants to make a difference? If so, please encourage them to apply for the new UMD Campus Ministry Hub. We are looking for a diverse team of UMD student interns to lead campus ministry at The Wesley Applications are due April 28. Learn more and apply at www.bwcumc.org/umd-campus-ministry-hub.
- The Student Leadership Cohort (SLC) is a fledgling leadership/ministry program staring in the fall of 2019. The long-term goal is to inspire, encourage, and support young people as they develop and run programming in their local churches and districts. We believe that young people are changing the world and deserve all the tools and support we can provide. The SLC will take a series of retreats to deepen their spiritual lives and gain critical tools for leadership and community building. We will also provide a significant service opportunity for youth and youth groups during the ROCK weekend! If you feel called and compelled to take charge, we want to help you hone who you are. For more info, visit www.bwcumc.org/student-leader-cohort.
Thursday, May 9, 2019, 6:30PM CDT
Going Mobile to Fund Our Mission
The statistics are astounding! 95% of Americans own a cellphone, with 77%
owning smartphones.80% of social media time is spent on mobile devices,
and users of online media spend on average 69% of their media time on a
smart phone. How is your church communicating your funding? Postal mail?
Text in an email? There is a whole, wide world at your fingertips! Join us as
we scratch the surface of your smartphone for ways to move people to
generous support of your church’s mission!
Thursday, July 18, 2019, 6:30PM CDT
When Is It Time to Talk About Money?
Jesus spoke about money and possessions more than most any other topic,
yet he didn’t do it in the context of fundraising. His concern was that these
things not get in the way of our relationship with God. How can we talk to
people about the importance of handling money well, at a time when we are
not asking them to complete a pledge card? Join us as we explore new ways
to have these kinds of “money talks” as well as when we are looking for
Thursday, September 12, 2019, 6:30PM CDT
Funding: Come Out Strong in the Fourth Quarter
In the NFL, the “red zone” is those last 20 yards you have to cover to make it
to the end zone and a touchdown. In your church, it’s those last six weeks
that will determine whether your financial year ends in the black or in the red.
As in football, this may not be the place to take wild chances, but to do the
basics extremely well! Join the conversation as we explore what this means
for local churches like yours!
Thursday, November 7, 2019, 6:30PM CDT
The Best Time to Develop a Stewardship Strategy…
An African proverb goes, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second-best time is today.”
Similarly, the best time to develop a year-round plan for growing generous disciples in your congregation
was last year, second best is right now. Join us as we explore ways your team can have an intentional plan for incorporating stewardship into your 2020 plans!
These webinars are made possible by World Service Fund support!
Visit www.umcdiscipleship.org/webinars for registration information and links.
For Stewardship specific resources visit www.umcdiscipleship.org/stewardship
Email questions to
Be part of our Facebook following at www.facebook.com/UMCstewardship
Follow us on Twitter @umcstewardship