District News

The Link 4.7.2022

Posted by John Gauthier on

We hope this message finds you well as you prepare yourselves and your congregations to celebrate the Passion of our Savior. We know our world is fraught with conflict, pain, and sorrow, and in the Risen Christ we find the hope and grace that is needed so desperately. Thank you for your work as you witness and lead your communities with the healing light of God.


Join us for this discussion with panelists from UMNext and the Wesleyan Covenant Association as they answer your questions about their visions for ministry after separation.

Rev. Bill Brown will serve as moderator. Panelists will include:

  • Rev. Ginger Gaines-Cirelli (UMNext, BWC)
  • Rev. Dr. Vicki Gordy-Stith (UMNext, Pen-Del)
  • Rev. Dr. Rudy Bropleh (WCA, BWC)
  • Rev. David Bennett (WCA, Pen-Del)

Attendees are invited to submit questions to , and topics will be selected based upon those submissions. This webinar will be recorded for later viewing.This session will not address the process for disaffiliation or the history of how the UMC arrived at this point. For resources on those topics, please contact your district superintendent.

Register Here: https://bwcumc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_onJr6Fj3QQuYDXH8-2iiMQ



As part of the Baltimore-Washington Conference initiative to have 100% of our churches 100% vital we want to ensure you are connected to one of the most useful demographic tools available to us in Mission Insite. Within the MissionInsite tool, the most helpful report for actionable ministry is the ComparativeInsite Report. This unique resource compares the people in the mission field (your community) to active resident, church participants and provides insight for adaptive ministry strategies and managing the stress of change. Strategies for leadership, worship style (e.g., inspirational, coaching, educational, etc.), small groups, outreach (survival, recovery, health, interpersonal relations, etc.) and more.

In order for you to take the best advantage of this resource for your congregation and, we need you to add some additional information for your congregation by June 30. Click the link below for a step-by-step guide on how to do this: https://www.bwcumc.org/article/step-by-step-guide-to-creating-a-comparativeinsite-report/


Join us on April 26 at Camp Manidokan for a day of fellowship and play. The morning will include coffee fellowship (10-11am), gathering and worship. Lunch will be served with indoor and outdoor dining options. In the afternoon you choose your pace from options including: relaxation and conversation, hiking, canvas painting, aerial park or zip line. Dinner will be followed by worship. We will close our day with s'mores and fun around a campfire.
$40 includes lunch, dinner & campfire
Register by April 13th: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=6126


Fund Balance Reports are due on June 30th, 2022. You can submit your FBR's through Arena: 


Feel free to contact me with any questions!

