The Link ~ 10/22/2018
We are updating the website to provide new and improved functionality. The new site launches on Friday, 10/26 with mostly aesthetic changes at the start, but with much more exciting content and tools to come. Rest assured, at this point we will not be moving anything vital from where you're used to finding it, but it will look a little different. I have provided a screenshot below so you can get used to the new look and feel. If you have any issues, please don't hesitate to call me/text me/email me!!
Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling will be at Fallston United Methodist Church on Sunday, December 9,
We have Officially passed the half-way mark!! Thank you to all for enlightening, entertaining, and spirit-filled presentations about your vital ministry in your communities! We look forward to the remaining Conferences and the stories to be shared!
This also means that ALL forms should be in at this point. If you are a church that has not completed your Church Conference documents, please do so ASAP. If you are having difficulty with completing them, contact me immediately.
All nominations reports that have been deferred to church council must be entered into Arena no later than December 15 with a notification sent to the district administrator:
As we near the end of Church Conference season, we will be picking back up with Clergy 1-on-1's. If you have not signed up for a time, please do so through the link below. All clergy are being asked to take an interview time.
Just a reminder, 2018 Evaluations
Evaluations are still due on December 1, but we wanted to give more time for you to complete these, and to allow you to take advantage of the various meetings that you will be having for
We cannot emphasize enough to you the importance of the Evaluation process to the life of the church and conference. Without an honest and accurate description of the needs of church and pastor and communication of the desires of both, the cabinet cannot fulfill its mandate to provide pastoral leadership to your church. Help us to create the best situation to facilitate your ministry and complete these in-full and on-time.
**PLEASE NOTE**: We have removed the Congregational Evaluation from the required list of forms for evaluations and have moved the Congregational Profile to the required forms for Church Conference.
All clergy are required to hold January 29, 30, and 31, 2019 for mandatory sexual ethics training held by the conference. The location is still TBD. There will be one training per day, and you only need to attend one day. However, there will be no exceptions made for those who miss so we are asking that you hold all three days clear in case of emergencies (funerals, vehicle issues, etc.). We will be providing a sign-up as soon as the location has been confirmed- STAY TUNED!
Registration is now open for Bishop LaTrelle Easterling's Pre-Advent Day Apart with the Clergy on Tuesday, Nov. 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
This year, the guest preacher and presenter will be the Rev. Kirk Byron Jones, senior pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Lynn, Mass., and a professor of social ethics, preaching and pastoral ministry. His most recent book is "Soul Talk: How to Have the Most Important Conversation of All." The cost for the event, which includes lunch, is $35 for active clergy and $25 for retired clergy. Learn more and register.
Pastor Ramon McDonald’s (First UMC: Laurel) daughter and son are adopting, and they need your prayers. In addition to your prayers - if you feel led to join the journey, financially, you can go to https://heartsandseouladoption.org/ or http://www.love-gives.com/. Thank you for your prayers and any gift you may feel led to give.
There will be a meeting of all Harford County clergy on
November 8, 2018 at 11:00am @ Bel Air UMC
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss ways to address issues stemming from the recent mass-shootings in the community. Rev. Laprade will be in attendance and all are encouraged to join.
- November 8 ~ 11 a.m.: Harford County Clergy Roundtable - Bel Air UMC
- November 13: Pre-Advent Day Apart for Clergy
- December 1: Evaluations Due
- December 9 ~ 3 p.m.-5 p.m.: Bishop's Day on the Region - Fallston UMC
- January 29, 30, 31: Mandatory Clergy Sexual Ethics Training