Let's Connect Baltimore Metropolitan District: March 17, 2017
Welcome to the Baltimore Metropolitan District Blog- Let's Connect. Please take a look at the district and annual conference events and information:
Events and More
Registration for Annual Conference is open. This year's conference will be May 31-June 2 at Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C. All the information is available in the Registration link above.
If you have questions about annual conference registration, please contact the registrar, Darlene Washington, (410) 309-3498 or send an email, .
Laity Gathering on April 8, 9 am-Noon at Friendly Farms in Upperco, MD. This is a time for laity to gather and worship. We will have a special speaker, biblical storytelling and a service of commitment. Registration is open. The cost is $35 per person.
Clergy Gathering will be on April 26, 10 AM - Noon, Trinity UMC, 2100 Westchester Ave, Catonsville. John Nupp, director the clergy excellence at the Baltimore-Washington, will be presenting information about mentoring relationships in the BM district.
Cultivating a Culture of Creativity in Worship: Saturday, March 25, 9 AM- 4PM at First UMC in Hyattsville
What does it mean to be in a church setting with multimedia? What’s differences between technology and culture? The real story in worship now is not to use the screens, but how screens and other forms of creativity come together to create powerful God experiences. Come explore what happens next with the latest thinking on culture, art, teams and technology. Learn techniques, methodologies that churches large and small alike can use to make big things happen in worship and beyond. Rediscover creativity with Jason Moore from Midnight Oil. Register today!
Lead Like a Woman:Friday, April 21, 2017 - Saturday, April 22, 2017, Hilton Hotel at BWI
Women are leaders. Some lead differently than others, but each has God-inspired abilities. At this two-day event, we encourage you to discover or deepen your leadership abilities as you gather with - and learn from - other women leaders. Come expecting to grow as you encounter the spirit of God and connect, re-connect, charge or re-charge yourself to new heights of spiritual growth as a leader. Register today!
Volunteers in Mission Leader Training (VIM): Saturday, April 29, 2017, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM at BWC Mission Center
Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Leader Training will equip you to lead a VIM trip by training you on all VIM procedures, selecting your destination and project, registering your trip, recruiting a volunteer team, obtaining volunteer accident insurance and necessary travel documents. This training will help you — the team leader — lead a productive and educational mission journey that benefits both your team and those whom you are serving. Register online.