District News

CM District Opportunities and Programs

Posted by Sophie Amer on

Readiness 360 and MissionInsite

Pastors, are you looking for ways to increase your church’s vitality and relevance? Need tools to figure out where to start? Readiness 360 and MissionInsite are just a few keystrokes away!

Readiness 360 allows you to see your congregation’s strengths, suggests areas of potential improvement and provides ministry tips that help you take practical steps toward multiplying your impact for God.  Learn more at readiness360.org.

MissionInsite delivers essential snapshots of your neighbors and can do so based upon traveling time, mileage radius, zip code or customized parameters. The newly revised Mosaic® profiles by Tom Bandy provide clear implications for leadership, worship, small groups, outreach, communication and more. Find out more at missioninsite.com.

Employment Opportunities

Calvary UMC in Mt. Airy is seeking people to fill two positions:

Interim Office Administrative Assistant to work 15 hours a week. Skills in web design and adaptations, social media knowledge would be helpful. Send resume and contact information to Emily Dyson at .

Church Treasurer, should have an accounting background, having worked professionally in a role requiring accounting skills, standards of practice, and should have familiarity with accounting software programs. An estimated four to six hours per week and one evening meeting per month. Send resume to Leslie Simpson at .

Huree University

Reach out to Mongolia by supporting Huree University

Huree University is a science, engineering and IT university in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.  Mongolia became the Southeastern Mongolian provisional Annual Conference of the UMC in 2016.

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry has been reaching out to this university with e-readers for faculty members in 2015. The Rev. HiRho Park, Executive Director at GBHEM, also took a group of clergy and faculty to the school in 2017. Mongolia is a small country with very limited resources. United Methodists can feed one student for the whole year with $200 and support one student for a year with $1,000. The chairperson of the advisory board of Huree is Dr. Douglass Lewis, the president emeritus of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.  See a video of Dr. Lewis speaking about Huree.

Click here for more information. 


Twice the Citizen - Serve God & Country as an Army Reserve Chaplain

Chaplain MAJ Tim Ippolito, a U.S. Army chaplain recruiter, would like to talk to you if you are interested in hearing about ministry opportunities as a U.S. Army Reserve Chaplain. Serve your country part-time while serving your church full-time. Great benefits and awesome local ministry outreach available. Active duty full-time positions are also available. 


- under age 47 (age waiver possible up to 49)
- Master's degree in theology 72 credits or more
- US Citizen or Green Card/Permanent Resident                   

Army Reserve Benefits

Drill pay, Base pay w/allowances when active for training or mission

May purchase low cost plans (approx. $47 for singles & $200 for families)

Collect at age 60 after 20 yrs of service       

ON-POST RESOURCES:                  
Full Use + Sports facilities, tax-free shopping, discount groceries/gasoline

Low cost Life Insurance, Uniform allowance      

Contact Information:
CH (MAJ) Timothy Ippolito
West Chaplain Recruiting Center
O: 818-401-2794
C: 818-798-1435

Network for Christian Educators

Anyone interested in learning more about Christian education ministries is encouraged to check out the work of Christians Engaged in Faith Formation, an organization of laity and clergy who work collaboratively to collect, create and share knowledge and experience, as well as to equip people of all ages to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. They meet the second Thursday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon to share ideas on various topics in Christian Education. For more information, contact Erica Benjamin, 

United Methodist Seminar Program

Acquire Hardware and Software at Reduced Prices - TechSoup.org

Click here to learn more about how TechSoup.org can help your church with it's I/T needs.  

Download the flyer to share.

* TechSoup.org is not a BWC, GCFA, or UMC affiliated organization. Utilizing their services is at your discretion. * 


UMCOR Sunday - All Year Long!

If celebrating UMCOR Sunday on March 26 was not possible for your congregation, you can celebrate at any time of the year. Choose a Sunday that better fits your church calendar and order resources for that time.

UMCOR's ability to respond is due to the generosity of United Methodist congregations and individuals around the world. Gifts to UMCOR Sunday underwrite UMCOR's costs of serving local churches in times of disaster. This helps keep the promise that 100 percent of every gift made to UMCOR projects goes directly to those in need. Please encourage your congregations to give on UMCOR Sunday.


Download resources for UMCOR Sunday: posters, bulletin inserts and worship materials are all available online. Enhance your UMCOR Sunday celebration with these print resources.

CCYM's STRESS LESS - Youth Helping Youth

The Conference Council on Youth Ministry (CCYM) youth have championed the cause of stress reduction in the lives of young people. The initiative is named STRESS LESS. The youth gathered information and resources to help other youth STRESS LESS, and compiled it on their CCYM Stress Less webpage. 

The information available on the page is a combination of CCYM research and resources from the Board of Discipleship, Bullying.gov, Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center and documents written by CCYM youth and youth leaders from the districts and conference.   

Providence UMC Dec 23, 2018 4:05pm

We have money for UMCOR Indonesia. Where do we send it? Email us at kjmptms@aol.com. thank you
