CM District News, Events and Updates ~ June 11, 2021
Update Arena
New clergy appointments begin July 1. As clergy prepare to move to their new appointment, please update Arena. On occasion, the pastor’s email address serves as the church’s email. Please create an email account specifically for the church. If there are other transitions happening with key leaders, please update Arena to ensure we have the most current data on file.
Wesley Freedom: Custodian Opportunity
This position reports to the Church Administrator. At the direction of the Church Administrator, the Custodian is responsible for cleaning and sanitizing of church spaces. 35 hour per week, non-exempt position. Preferred work hours are Monday – Friday, 6:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Hours and work days negotiable. Wesley Freedom is located at 961 Johnsville Rd., Eldersburg, MD 21784-4903. Click here to read the full description and send questions to Kevin Silberzahn at
Part-time Director (or Co-Directors) of Youth Ministry
Covenant UMC, a diverse, family-oriented community of faith in Montgomery Village, MD is seeking a part-time Director (or Co-Directors) of Youth Ministry. Individual(s) would be responsible for creating opportunities for youth to grow in faith, serve in ministry and mission, and foster relationships within youth group and across the church. Seeking person(s) who can articulate their own faith in word and action, vision and implement strategies for engaging youth and their families, and work with other church leaders as we endeavor to be the body of Christ by welcoming, loving, and serving all in our community and the world. Interested persons should apply by forwarding a letter of interest and brief resume (including education and job experience) to Rev. Dawn Stewart at
by June 15, 2021.
Part-Time Office Administrator
St. Paul United Methodist Church (UMC) in Laytonsville, MD is seeking a part-time Office Administrator to assist church leadership with clerical and communications work. The position requires someone who is detailed-oriented, a self-starter, and can communicate with multiple people to complete a task. This position is paid hourly and requires approximately 16 hours a week. This position would work in the St. Paul Office with flexible hours. St. Paul UMC is a community of welcoming and compassionate people loving our neighbors as Christ loves us. All interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume containing references to Pastor Will Newton at
. Deadline to apply is July 16. Our hopeful start date for this position is September 1, 2021.
Montgomery UMC Seeks a Director of Youth Ministries
The Director of Youth Ministry at Montgomery United Methodist Church (MUMC) is responsible for the development, and resourcing of the Youth Ministry, (grades 6 – 12). This Director will passionately commit to and promote the mission of the church: To grow in faith, serve others, and share Christ with all people…to the glory of God. This is a part-time position (20-25 hours/week), with salary commensurate with background and experience. Send resume to John Rudisill, Senior Pastor, Montgomery UMC at
or call (301) 253-4460 with questions. Read the job description for more details.
Saint James UMC Seeks PT Organist/Accompanist
Saint James UMC in Marriottsville, MD is looking to fill a 12-month position, 8-10 hours per week. The musicians will work closely with the Pastor and the Director of Music Ministry in providing music on the organ and piano for Sunday services of both traditional and contemporary (praise band) styles, for in-person and virtual worship, in alignment with St. James UMC’s principles and church mission and goals. Read the full job description and contact Ann Moxley at
with questions.
June is Men’s Health Month
Throughout June, Men’s Health Month aims to encourage boys and men to take charge of their overall health by implementing healthy living decisions. During Men’s Health Month, we urge men to take steps to enrich their health and wellness through proper screenings and care. Visit the Abundant Health Resource page (https://www.bwcumc.org/article/abundant-health-ministry-plan-june/) for ideas on how to share valuable health information with your congregation and surrounding community.
June 1 (Deadline) -- Wealth and Health Equity
We are looking for congregations interested in working with a financial literacy organization to assist congregants with eviction prevention, avoiding mortgage foreclosure, and general financial literacy. If you are interested in learning more information, please complete this form by June 1.
June 5 (10am) -- DS JW Park's Farewell Celebration via Zoom
You are invited to a farewell celebration for DS JW Park via Zoom.
June 12 (10am) -- Committee on Hispanic-Latino Ministry
invites you to participate in a webinar on Immigration and Racism. The event will be in Spanish. Guest speaker: Rev. Dr. Eliezer Valentin-Castañon. Register Here: https://bwcumc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIucO6przorHNzo84Mf0Wm4MZ3ezpV90d8H. (Once registered, you will receive the login information from Zoom)
June 18 (7pm) -- See Me, I Am Here: Men of Color Mental Health
This session is designed to help participants understand and explore racial inequities, psychosocial stigma, institutional racism, systemic invisibility, and psychological barriers that overtly and covertly deny men of color access to quality mental health support and services. Join with Mr. Kevin Mason, LCPC, who has worked with ecumenical congregations and clergy in the areas of behavioral health, trauma, wellness promotion, psycho-spirituality, and resilience across the lifespan. Register here -- https://bwcumc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m6PUeqRGRG-BYrBbpxXojA
June 25 (7pm) -- Concert by the U.S. Army Field Band Federal Brass
Come for a free performance outdoors at Glen Mar United Methodist Church, weather permitting. The rain date is Thu., Aug. 5 at 7 p.m. Please bring chairs and/or blankets. Masks will be required. The church is located at 4701 New Cut Road, Ellicott City. For more information, visit www.glenmarumc.org/summerconcerts.
June 30 (Deadline) -- Non-Renewable Micro-Grants for Online Ministry
As the congregations of the Baltimore-Washington Conference are living in unprecedented times, the Offices of Leadership and Congregational Development and New Faith Expressions are offering practical and timely support for congregations to connect with their communities and congregations while social distancing measures are a necessity. The Conference is offering non-renewable micro-grants of up to $1,000 to help offset expenses related to launching and maintaining an online ministry, including equipment, software licenses, training, and more. If you have already purchased equipment, software or licenses you can apply to receive a reimbursement of the accrued costs. The grant will only be for those churches that DID NOT receive a grant in 2020. The closing date is June 30. Apply here -- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/13dvGwKLOFH8ufZId5Y331i6UxEX6LjONSFAKePeUv-o/viewform?edit_requested=true
June 30 (Deadline) -- Fund Balance Report
This report must be completed through Arena by the Chairperson of the Finance Committee, Treasurer, or Pastor by June 30, 2021. Download the template and complete the Fund Balance Report (Not for Submission): Word | PDF | Excel. Need guidance to complete this form? Click HERE to playback the recording from the Training Tuesday webinar on the Administrative Year in Review/Annual Fund Balance Report.
July 1 -- Mission Innovation Grant Application Open
The BWC will once again be offering Mission Innovation grants in the areas of Advocacy and Action, Wellness and Missions, and Young People's Ministry. Grants will be awarded to projects that connect and advance our two focus areas:
(1) creating a more just and equitable (anti-racist) community, or
(2) community recovery from impact related to the health pandemic, COVID-19
Learn more -- https://www.bwcumc.org/resources/grants-and-awards/ and apply here -- https://bwc-umc.smapply.org/prog/bwc_grants_and_awards/
July 17 (10am) -- A Church Sign Language Interpreting Academy
The academy will have three tracks: introduction to church interpreting, interpreting Scripture, and introduction to sign language. Register for this Zoom session
July 18-31 -- Nominations and Applications Open for 2021 Session of Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute
Is there a high schooler in your life who is ready to learn about how their faith in Jesus Christ calls them to live and be in the world in a way that seeks justice, all while earning college credit that they can carry with them wherever they go after high school? Thanks to a grant from the Lilly Endowment, students will have all that SUYTI has to offer (room and board, program expenses, and three college credits) at a cost of only $200 per student. However, 2021 will be our final session, so now is the perfect time to apply! To nominate a student or to apply, visit www.su.edu/youththeology. For more information, contact Ian Urriola, Director of the SUYTI, by calling (540) 665-5453 or emailing
July 23-24 -- Mission U
This event is hosted by the BWC's United Methodist Women and this year's theme is "Do Not Lose Heart." This year, the registration fee is optional. Instead, the UMW is collecting donations for the UMW Conference Projects. This event is open to both United Methodist Women members or not; men; and youth 7-12 grade. The event will explore the book, "PUSHOUT: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools." Learn more and register.
TAKE ACTION! DACA and Immigration Priorities
President Biden met with DACA recipients to discuss his immigration priorities and encourage Congress to act to protect Dreamers. Take action by contacting your Senators and asking them to pass the Dream Act of 2021, which would provide a permanent lawful status to nearly two million Dreamers and would shield them from deportation and allow them to work and support their families. Click here to contact your senators.
TAKE ACTION! Raise the Refugee Admissions Level
The Guaranteed Refugee Admissions Ceiling Enhancement Act, or GRACE Act, would protect and restore the U.S. resettlement program by setting a minimum refugee admissions goal of 125,000 and increasing congressional oversight over the administration's operations of the resettlement program. Ask your legislator to restore the U.S.’s role as a global humanitarian leader by passing the GRACE Act. Click here to contact your congressperson.
BWC's Racial Justice Committee has been committed to shining a light on systemic racism within our churches and within our society at large. We Rise United Bi-Weekly Prayer Call – We all must look to God for help, guidance, and support during this time and as we journey forward towards reaching the goal of being an antiracist Church, let's lift our voices and be heard so that together, We Rise United. To join the prayer call and for more information, visit https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1946656-2021-02-03-we-rise-united-prayer-call/. The prayer call is held the first and third Wednesday every month until December 16, 2021.
Prayer in a Time of National Crisis – In this prayer from The United Methodist Church's Book of Worship, 517, we seek God's direction and enlightenment for our nation as it experiences turmoil and conflict. Take a moment to say and reflect upon the prayer, and then share it with your congregation -- https://www.umc.org/en/content/prayer-in-time-of-national-crisis?utm_source=thesource&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=resourceumc&utm_content=01/26/21paid
Lay Servant Ministries Grace Period Extended – The Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries has extended the grace period begun in 2020 for those who cannot take necessary courses during the COVID 19 pandemic. Download the form.
New Certified Lay Minister
Class applications are now being accepted: Applications for the next class of Certified Lay Ministers, the Baltimore-Washington Conference Class of 2021-2023, are now being accepted. Visit the BWC website to learn more about the pre-requisite requirements. (Click "Learn More" under "Certified Lay Minister" for information and application package, as well as a pastor information package.) Prospective CLM students must currently be a Certified Lay Servant or Certified Lay Speaker. The application process includes meeting with one's pastor, church Staff-Parish Relations Committee, and the district superintendent before the July 1 deadline. The next class will start in September and is a two-year commitment. Questions can be directed to Linda Flanagan (
), the Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries.
Download a 12-month schedule of Health & Wellness topics to keep your congregation and community safe and well year round.
Free 2021 Worship Bundle Package – Download the Discipleship Ministries’ 2021 Worship and Music Planning Calendar and the 2021 Revised Common Lectionary Sundays and Special Days Calendar -- https://store.umcdiscipleship.org/product/2021-worship-planning-bundle/
Who Are We? An 18-week small group journey from head to heart explores our identity as children of God, United Methodists, and the people of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. This study is an outstanding resource for churches seeking to grow deeper in their understanding of identity, faith, and discipleship. See the Study and begin your exploration of "Who Are We?" -- https://www.bwcumc.org/resources/who-are-we/
The next annual session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference will be held Oct 25-27, 2021.
Improving Your Church's Web Presence
Sometimes we're overwhelmed by all that's involved in (re)building or maintaining a church website. Because a site requires a mix of time and skills, it's hard to know
where to begin. In part one of three screencast sessions, you'll learn how to improve your web presence by identifying the ministry needs and the multiple audiences
served by your church's website. Take the first step -- https://www.resourceumc.org/en/content/improving-your-churchs-web-presence-part-1
Re-Entering Well Resources
• Find the Re-Entering Well Guidelines (https://www.bwcumc.org/article/re-entering-well-guidelines/)
• View the Re-Entering tip sheets (https://www.bwcumc.org/article/re-entering-well/)
BWC News
• Find current BWC news and share your stories at https://www.bwcumc.org/news/
Church Resources
• Where do you go to get a grant or loan for your church? There are resources to help you and your church. Visit https://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/
Coronavirus Resources
• A number of resources are available to assist local churches in their response to the Coronavirus—https://www.bwcumc.org/article/coronavirus-resources/