District News

CM District News, Events and Updates ~ 4-22-19

Posted by Sophie Amer on

News & Events  


Howard County Coalition to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
 Wednesday, April 24, 9 am, BWC Mission Center
During this event, clergy and laity will learn how to increase awareness, end silence, connect with resources and become more proactive.  Special guest is Baltimore Raven Linebacker, Matthew Judon and Senior Pastor Terry White, Fellowship Center.  CEUs available upon request.  Share the flyer and register online https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ipv-dialogue-understandingthe-role-of-men-through-the-lens-of-faith-tickets-58204778058. 

Gala in Support of Seeds of Security (SOS) Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention: Raising Awareness and Promoting Safe Havens
Friday, April 26 at 7 pm
For tickets to join us for the Seeds of Security Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Gala to be held at Turn House in Howard County, please go to https://www.eiseverywhere.com/sosgala19.

Spring Ring Handbell Concert
Sunday, April 28 at 7pm  
Experience music at Damascus UMC (9700 New Church St., Damascus, MD).  

UMD Campus Ministry Hub
Deadline extended to Sunday,  April 28
Do you know of a UMD student who loves God, loves people and wants to make a difference?  If so, please encourage them to apply for the new UMD Campus Ministry Hub.  We are looking for a diverse team of UMD student interns to lead campus ministry at The Wesley between now and April 28. Learn more and apply at https://www.bwcumc.org/umd-campus-ministry-hub.

Peace with Justice Grants
Deadline: Tuesday, April 30 

Are you working collaboratively to systemically address some form of societal injustice? Then, please consider applying for a BWC Peace with Justice (PWJ) Grant made possible by PWJ Special Sunday offerings. Applicants must be a member of a United Methodist local church, district, conference, or other affiliated organization, or an Ecumenical group/organization working with and through at least one United Methodist agency or organization. For more information and to apply, please go to: https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/peace-with-justice/.

Life and Legacy of Howard Thurman
Saturday, May 18 from 8:30 am-3 pm 
Join facilitators Dr. Asa Lee of Wesley Theological Seminary and Rev. Andrew Peck-McClain, Senior Pastor of Washington Grove, in a conversation about the life and legacy of Howard Thurman, one of the most influential theologians of the 20th century.  Registration is $20 and includes lunch. This event is co-sponsored by the Advocacy and Action Network of the Baltimore-Washington Conference and will be held at Kittamaquindi Community Church located at 5410 Leaf Trader Way in Columbia, MD 21044. Register and learn more.  

Pre-Conference Briefing Sessions
Saturday, May 18 ~ Morning and Afternoon Sessions 
Two locations:  Jackson Chapel (5609 Ballenger Creek Pike, Frederick, MD ) from 9:30am-noon, and at St. Johns United Church (10431 Twin Rivers Road, Columbia, MD) from 2-4:30pm.  All members are encouraged to attend.

Locust UMC 150th Anniversary Revival
Thursday, May 23 and Friday, May 24 ~ 7pm both days
Locust is celebrating it's 150th anniversary with a revival.  Guests are Rev. William E. Butler and Choir from Queens Chapel United Methodist Church.  Locust UMC is located at 6851 Martin Road, Columbia, MD 21044.  All are welcome.  Download the flyer for full details.

235th Baltimore-Washington Conference Annual Meeting
Wednesday, May 29-Saturday, June 1 
Online registration is now open for the 235th Annual Conference Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held May 29-June 1 at the Waterfront Marriott Hotel in Baltimore. Click here to register.
• Lodging on Thursday, May 30 is sold out at the Waterfront Marriott Hotel in Baltimore .  See a list of hotels nearby -- https://www.bwcumc.org/events/annual-conference/hotel-and-transportation/.
• See a listing of all the workshops. 
• Help end hunger by year 2030.  Follow this link (https://rah.secure.force.com/events/homepage?id=7013Z000002pPp1QAE) to donate and/or sign up to help package meals in a 30-minute time slot during lunch or dinner on Thursday, May 30.  The goal is 120,000 meals.  
• The theme of this year's session is We are One: United to Love. We hope you will join us in prayer as we unite for a time of meaningful fellowship, profound worship and holy conferencing. For more information, visit www.bwcumc.org/events/annual-conference.
•  Read the profile of candidates who would like to be elected as delegates to the 2020 General Conference and the 2020 Northeast Jurisdictional Conference.  

Young People's Ministry Day & Confirmation Rally
Saturday, June 1 at 9am
Bishop LaTrelle Easterling invites you to the Baltimore-Washington Conference's Confirmation Celebration June 1 at the Baltimore Waterfront Marriott Hotel at 700 Aliceanna Street in Baltimore.  The Confirmation Celebration and Commissioning, from 2 to 4 p.m., is part of a day-long focus on young people's ministries during the 2019 Annual Conference Session. Confirmands and their families may attend just the rally or come for the entire day.  The event, which is open to everyone, begins at 9 a.m.  Mark DeVries, the president of Ministries Architects, speaks at 10 a.m.  At 10:30 a.m., the BWC's new strategic plan for Young People's Ministries will be unveiled and, at 11 a.m., "Learning Labs" commence. Confirmands and their chaperones will assemble at 1:30 p.m.   There is no cost to attend but there is a need to RSVP by May 15 -- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/confirmation-celebration-2019-tickets-60275545780.

2019  Washington Region Lay Servant Ministries Academy ~ Summer Events
Saturday, June 8 (9am-5pm) and Sunday, June 9 (3-5:30pm) 
Saturday, August 24 (9am-5pm) and Sunday, August 25 (3-5:30pm) 
Join us at the Baltimore-Washington Conference Mission Center (11711 E. Market Place, Fulton, MD 20759) for two Lay Servant Ministries Academies (formerly known as Discipleship Academy). The duration of each Lay Servant Ministries course is 10 hours (1 CEU).   The Basic course will be offered at both academies.  Different advanced courses in the Heritage, Leading Worship, Polity, Preaching, and Spiritual Gifts categories will be offered.  For full details about classes, instructors and pre-reading text, download the
•  June 8-9 course guide or register 
•  August 24-25 course guide 
or register

Mission U
July 26-28
The United Methodist Women and Board of Global Mission's Mission U, is a deep dive into the Gospel. The convening will be held at the Bethesda Marriott Hotel. A Mission U for youth, grades 7-12, will also be held. Contact Sharon Milton at 301-404-6628 for the youth event. For general information, go to https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/abundant-health/missionu/.

Discipleship Systems: The 3D Journey
Friday, September 6,  9:30am – 3:30pm,  BWC Mission Center, Fulton MD 

Saturday, September 7,  9:30am – 3:30pm, TBD
Join presenter, Rev. Dr. Quincy D. Brown in a workshop designed to help clergy and laity walk through a transition of: discern / dream / develop.  The mission of the church is about making disciples. Simply put the church is in the business of connecting people with Jesus through relationships.  Click here to learn more and the register ($35 per person and includes lunch) - https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1330220-2019-09-07-discipleship-systems-the-3d-journey-location-tbd/.  Sponsored by The Baltimore-Washington Conference UMC, Office of Leadership and Congregation Development.  For more information contact Jo Chesson, Project Manager, 800-492-2525, on ext. 3490 or  .

MORE Opportunities 

Student Leader Cohort Student Leader Cohort
The Student Leadership Cohort (SLC) is a new and innovative leadership/ministry program starting in the fall of 2019. The long term goal is to inspire, encourage, and support young people as they develop and run programming in their local churches and districts. We believe that young people are changing the world and deserve all the tools and support we can provide. Members of the SLC will participate in a series of retreats to deepen their spiritual lives and gain critical tools for leadership and community building. We will also provide a significant service opportunity for youth and youth groups during the ROCK weekend! If you feel called and compelled to take charge, we want to help you hone who you are!For more info, please go to https://www.bwcumc.org/student-leader-cohort/.

Spiritual Direction Opportunity 

Life is filled with paradox: times of great joy and times of great suffering; times of certainty and times of indecision. Of course, the list could go on and on, but in all times God is present with us and wants us to know that. Making the time to seek God, to explore the question “What do I hear from God in this situation?”, and to explore the complementary question “Who am I called to be in this situation?” describe the core of a Spiritual Direction relationship.  Cathie Leimenstoll is a retired Elder from the Tennessee Conference and moved to Maryland seven years ago to be near family. She will soon become a certified Spiritual Director in May. At no charge, she is approved to begin meeting with people who are interested in spiritual direction. Her commitment in this is to be a non-anxious companion with a person during a specific time in his/her spiritual journey, to pray with and for the person, to offer resources when appropriate, and to listen deeply to the individual and to the Holy Spirit who is ever-present when two or three are gathered in Jesus’ name. It is a privilege to walk with one another as we seek a deeper relationship with the God we serve in all our life-situations.  If you would like more information about such an opportunity, email and use the subject line Spiritual Direction.

Introducing Winter Grace Senior Ministries, Inc.   
WGSM is a non-profit organization with a mission to “Enrich and Empower the Lives of Older Adults through Christian Initiatives Connecting People, Ideas, and Resources.” WGSM seeks to assist churches in starting and growing their Older Adult ministries with a holistic approach that addresses the wide variety of needs of Older Adults and their families. Ministry for, by, and with Older Adults values the dignity and worth of each individual, encourages engagement of the gifts and talents of each person, and grows disciples of Jesus Christ until a person’s last breath for the transformation of the world. Additionally, WGSM connects Older Adults and their families to the resources in the community that can help each Older Adult live each day to the fullest by addressing needs from spiritual to practical. Founder and president, Debbie Burgio, is a candidate for Deacon, recommended by the Board of Ordained Ministry for Commissioning as a Provisional Deacon at the 2019 BWC Annual Conference.  For more information, go to www.wintergrace.org, email or call 443-832-3805.

United to Love: Advocacy and Action Team Sign-ups
We would like your voice at the table. The Baltimore-Washington Conference has six active teams to mobilize across our connection and they are: Creation Care (Climate/Eco-Justice), Gender Equality, Gun Violence Prevention, Immigration Rights, Racial Justice and Wealth Equity. If you are called to serve in one/more of these areas, if this is your passion and/or your faith community is leading in one or more of these areas, we would like to hear from you. Please go to http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/ to sign-up so that we can connect with you.

Criminal Justice Mercy and Ministries Resources and Survey for Faith Communities
The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has a new CJAM website that has been created for congregations to become more aware and resourced in this vital area. You are invited to go to, http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries/ check out the resources and take the questionnaire so that we can better connect with you in this area. To go directly to the survey, please visit http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries-questionnaire/.

Are You Called to Lead Beyond Your Local Faith Community?
The Nominations Committee is seeking a few good men and women to serve in key leadership roles including in the areas of Leadership Development, New Faith Expressions, Young People’s Ministry, Abundant Health (including local and global missions, holistic health and ERT), Advocacy & Action, Native American Ministry, Gender Equality (COSROW), and the Board of Trustees. In addition to passion and experience in the above, some boards are seeking persons with expertise in training, coaching, grant administration, project management, and data analysis and evaluation. Please complete this leadership interest form and encourage gifted young leaders (30 or under) to do the same: https://www.bwcumc.org/conference-agency-leadership-nominations/.

Download the Central Maryland District calendar for more opportunities to learn and network.


