CM District News and Updates ~ Jan. 4, 2019
Commission on A Way Forward
Get connected and stay informed.
- Special Session of the General Conference
February 23-26 in Saint Louis, MO. Please continue to pray daily from 2:23-2:26 pm. -
United to Love: A Way Forward (Clergy and Laity)
On March 2 from 9 am-12 pm, Bishop LaTrelle Easterling will lead the people of the Baltimore-Washington Conference in a time of prayer and information sharing following the Special Session of General Conference. Conference staff and leaders will gather at the Mission Center in Fulton and the event will be live streamed to sites around the conference. More details coming soon. -
Commission on A Way Forward
Stay informed, visit the BWC website for congregational resources, videos and more.
mark your calendar
Statistical Reports are Due January 28 by 12 pm
All data should be posted into EZRA ( Visit the Statistical Reports webpage for helpful tips.
Three Sexual Ethics and Boundary Trainings (Clergy and Laity)
These trainings are required for clergy (elders, deacons, licensed pastors, clergy from other denominations, extension ministers) and laity assigned to pastoral roles. Lay staff from local churches or other conference leaders are encouraged to attend. Each session will last from 10 am to 4 pm. The $35 registration fee will include lunch and .5 CEUs. Requests for excusal are to be made in writing to Bishop Easterling by January 21. Those who are excused from on-site attendance will be required to receive the training through
January 29 at Brook Hill UMC (8946 Indian Springs Road, Frederick, MD 21702) – register
January 30 at Arnolia UMC (1776 East Joppa Road, Parkville, MD 21234) – register
January 31 at Westphalia UMC (9363 D'Arcy Road, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774) – register
Bishop’s Lenten Day Apart (Clergy only)
February 20, 8:30 am-3 pm. More details coming soon.
CMD Clergy Appreciation Dinner (Clergy only)
DS JW Park is inviting clergy and their spouse or friend to be his guest at a festive Clergy Appreciation Dinner on February 28 from 6-9 pm at Saint John United Church, 10431 Twin Rivers Rd, Columbia, MD 21044. There will be music and live entertainment. The deadline to register is February 12. RSVP required, click here to register.
Leadership Day – Washington Region (Clergy and Laity)
March 16, 8 am-3 pm. More details coming soon.
Spring Washington Region Lay Servant Academy
Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9. Save the date.
College Scholarships
The Baltimore-Washington Conference awards a variety of college scholarships. The application process opens January 3 and closes March 7. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application, which includes uploading their current transcripts. In addition, the student must provide contact information for their pastor and one additional church reference.
Young People’s Ministry Strategic Plan Update
Join the BWC and members from Ministry Architects on Thursday, January 10 at 7pm for an update on the strategic plan for Young People’s Ministry in the BWC. After a year of focus groups, surveys, trainings, and more conversations, a three-year, preliminary strategic plan has been outlined and is ready for review and feedback prior to bringing it before Annual Conference session on June 1. We invite conference leaders and everyone involved in areas of young people’s ministry (from camping to youth to campus ministry) to learn more about the process and the plan moving forward. Register now. Light refreshments will be provided.
Vacation Bible School Showcase
As 2019 begins, so does the planning of Vacation Bible School! The BWC’s Christians Engaged in Faith Formation ministry team (CEF) will be hosting a showcase of Vacation Bible School kits from Cokesbury, Abingdon, and Group on Saturday, January 12 from 10am-12noon at the BWC Mission Center. Come and view the newest VBS programs developed for 2019 and meet other staff and volunteers from local churches. For more information, contact Cheryl Cook.
Human Relations Sunday
Human Relations Sunday is January 20, check-out these worship planning resources.
The Laity Fix - Workshop Presenter Lynda Byrd
This workshop will be offered twice ~ Friday February 15, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and Saturday February 16, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at the BWC Mission Center, 11711 East Market Place, Fulton MD 20759.
The Laity Fix is an inclusive approach to church growth. We will examine the challenges and opportunities within today’s faith communities for leaders. There are many questions that congregations face today, and leadership is just one of them. All leaders across faith communities can increase their personal leadership skills by identifying what they are and learning how to use them appropriately. We recognize that every congregation is different, every leader leads differently, and recognizing this is critical. This workshop is designed to: Explore the value of the congregational analysis; Offer strategies for sustained leadership development; and Identify growth opportunities through mission and ministry initiatives. The world has changed! What do we do now? Go to the BWC website to register.
Graphics for Your New Year Messages
If you're looking for images for your 2019 messages, consider these social media graphics for your church Facebook page or e-newsletter.
Check out the CM District events page for more opportunities to learn and network.